
O heartless one, sweet words are not his goal

يا قاسي القلب ليس اللفظ مطمعه

1. O heartless one, sweet words are not his goal
O slumbering eyelids, pity his yearning soul

١. يا قاسيَ القَلبِ لَيسَ اللَفظُ مَطمَعَهُ
ساجي الجُفونِ حَنينَ اللَحظِ راحمَهُ

2. Does not a loyal youth in you stir compassion
Whose affection tomorrow will honestly fashion

٢. أَما تَرِقُّ لِصَبٍّ فيك مُكتَئِبٍ
عفٍّ غَدا صادِقاً في الودِّ كاتِمَهُ

3. You resemble Joseph in beauty, and lover of yours
Is imprisoned, though guiltless, in pitiless towers

٣. أَشبَهتَ يوسُفَ حُسنا وَالمُحبُّ لَهُ
سَبعٌ شِدادٌ عَصى فيهن لائِمَهُ

4. They blame him, not knowing who makes him despair
Only seeing him gloomy and filled with dark care

٤. يَلومُهُ لَيسَ يَدري من يَهيمُ بِهِ
لَكن يَراهُ حَزينَ القَلبِ هائِمَهُ

5. To be spoken to by you is the joy he'd implore
Just to see you, though you say to him nothing more

٥. كَفاهُ مِنكَ وِصالاً أَن تُكالِمَهُ
وَأَن يَراكَ وَإِن أصبَحتَ كالِمَهُ