1. O utterer of magic, I listen
O showerer of pearls, I gather
١. أَيا لافِظاً بِالسِحرِ ها أَنا سامِعُ
وَيا ناثِراً للدُرِّ ها أَنا جامِعُ
2. You have gained knowledge in the vigor of youth
And you have gained scope for old age, as you are beneficial
٢. لَقَد حُزتَ في شَرخِ الشَبابِ مَعارِفاً
وَحُزتَ مدىً لِلشَيبِ إِذ أَنتَ نافِعُ
3. An explainer of clear explanation that never ceases
Its ailment from it plagues or marvels
٣. مُبينُ بَيانٍ لَيسَ يَنفَكُّ دائِماً
بدائهُ مِنهُ تعتَرى أَو بَدائِعُ
4. When people were stingy with polished prose
From his swelling sea were waves, swelling waves
٤. إذا الناسُ قَد ضَنُّوا برُشحٍ مُصَرَّدٍ
فَمِن بَحرِهِ الطامي هَوامٍ هَوامِعُ
5. And if they lit one day a flint for an idea
From the idea of the watchman were bracelets, shining bracelets
٥. وَإِن قَدَحُوا يَوماً زِناداً لِفكرَةٍ
فَمِن فِكرَةِ الواري سَوارٍ سَوارِعُ
6. And if he appeared or spoke one day, so eyes
To him and ears intoxicated, intoxicated listeners
٦. وَإمّا بَدا أَو فاهَ يَوماً فَأَعيُنٌ
إِلَيهِ وَأَسماعٌ سَوامٍ سَوامِعُ
7. A word may please you or a spectacle appall you
So marvel at it from a pleaser while it is marvelous
٧. يَروقك لَفظاً أَو يَروعُك مَنظَراً
فَأَعجِب بِهِ مِن رائِقٍ وَهوَ رائِعُ
8. Tomorrow my defender in love is who is intercessor
So for God from it a defender I have, an intercessor
٨. غَدا مالِكي في الحُبِّ مَن هُوَ شافِعي
فللّهِ مِنهُ مالكٌ ليَ شافِعُ
9. Beautiful of pure honor beyond what disgraces him
Other than a glance of the eye and the eye is downcast
٩. جَميلٌ نَقيُ العِرضِ عَمّا يَشينُهُ
سِوى خِلسَةٍ للطَرفِ وَالطَرفُ خاشِعُ
10. The full moon is not harmed if I gaze
At it while the ambitious have despaired of it
١٠. وَما إِن يَضُرُّ البَدرَ إِن كُنتُ ناظِراً
إِلَيهِ وَقَد أَيأَسنَ مِنهُ المَطامِعُ