
I hung him round my neck, a young brother,

علقته شادنا أخا صغر

1. I hung him round my neck, a young brother,
A pampered son of glory, delicate and dainty.

١. عَلِقتُهُ شادِناً أَخا صِغَرٍ
بُنَيَّ عِزٍّ مُدَلَّلاً نَزِقا

2. When I complained to him, while still a child,
His cheeks grew red, and sleep forsook his eyes.

٢. غِرّاً صَغيراً إِذا شَكَوتُ لَهُ
اِحمَرَّ وَجهاً وَرقَّدَ الحَدَقا

3. I see the sun has veiled her face in shame,
The oryx glances up with outstretched neck.

٣. فَأُبصرُ الشَمسَ كَللت شَفَقاً
وَانظرُ الظَبيَ مُتلِعاً عُنُقا

4. An oryx of Kinas whose lord did slay
The shining sun, when on his spear she sank.

٤. ظبيَ كِناسٍ ظباهُ قَد فَتَكَت
شَمسَ ضُحاءٍ عَلى قَضيبِ نَقا

5. With glances from his eyes he pierced my heart,
And left it hanging pierced on their points.

٥. لَقد رَماني بِسَهم أَعينهِ
فَعُلِّقَ القَلبُ مِنهُ ما عَلِقا

6. A mighty love, that if his left hand smote
A deaf rock, that rock would split in twain.

٦. وَجداً شَديداً لَو أَنَّ أيسرَهُ
صادَفَ صَخراً أَصمَّ لانفَلَقا

7. Long is the time I brood on it, and say
“Is this how every love-lorn man is tried?"

٧. أَظَلُّ طولَ الزَمانِ مفتكراً
أَهكذا كُلُّ مُغرَمٍ عشقا

8. My reason and my grief are joined together,
While my madness and my misery parted.

٨. فَمُهجَتي وَالأَسى قَد اِجتَمَعا
وَمُقلَتي وَالكَرى قَد اِفتَرَقا

9. Would that my love and its denial differed,
And that my heart and its delight were one.

٩. يا لَيتَ حُبّي وَهجرَه اِختَلَفا
وَلَيتَ قَلبي وَوَصلَه اِتَّفَقا

10. Behold this paradox before you: joined
A burning heart, and eyes that drown in tears.

١٠. انظُر تُشاهِد ضِدَّينِ قَد جُمِعا
قَلباً حَريقاً وَمَدمَعاً غَرِقا

11. Time will not turn me from his love, not if
My heart is cut to fragments for his sake.

١١. لا أَنثَني الدهرَ عَن محبَّتِهِ
لَو قُطّعَ القَلبُ في الهَوى فِرقا