1. I devoted my life to knowledge, and my soul
Had no desire for entertainers or jest.
١. شَغِفتُ زَمانِي بِالعُلومِ وَلَم يَكُن
لِروحِيَ مَيلٌ لِلكَواعِبِ عَن قَصدِ
2. I gathered wealth that went for no delight,
Then losing it brought misery and plight.
٢. وَجَمَّعتُ مالاً راحَ في غَير لَذةٍ
فَأعقَبَني فَقديهِ وَجداً عَلى وَجدِ
3. I raised chicks who went their destined way
As I was carried from couch to deathbed.
٣. وَأَنتَجت أَفراخاً مَضوا لِسَبيلهم
عَلى حينِ نَقلٍ مِن سَريرٍ وَمِن مَهدِ
4. Of my life I've completed eighty pilgrimages,
And eighty-two years I’ve spent asleep alone.
٤. وَبُلِّغتُ مِن عُمري ثَمانينَ حِجَّةً
وَثنتينِ أُمسِي دائِماً نائِماً وَحدِي
5. My heart is blackened and so is my night,
Then they brought me a shroud blacker than my woes.
٥. فَقَلبيَ مُسوَدٌ وَليلي مِثلُهُ
سواداً فَجاءوني بِمسوَدَّةِ الجلدِ
6. So we became three darknesses in the gloom
Upon darkness, and the gloom of the grave follows.
٦. فَصِرنا ثَلاثاً ظُلمَة مَع ظُلمَةٍ
عَلى ظُلمَةٍ تَتلُو لَنا ظُلمةُ اللَحدِ
7. Their worldly life brought me no joy,
Yet I hope for lasting bliss in Paradise.
٧. وَدُنياهُمُ ما نِلتُ مِنها نَعيمَها
وَأَرجُو نَعيماً دامَ في جَنَّةِ الخُلدِ