
My sleep has been disturbed by the birds, then frightened away,

قد حومت طير نومي ثم نفرها

1. My sleep has been disturbed by the birds, then frightened away,
Their eyelids dried up in the night out of caution,

١. قَد حَوَّمَت طَيرُ نَومي ثُمَ نَفَّرَها
حِذارُها وَجَفَت بِاللَيلِ أَجفانا

2. You'd think their eyelashes were the traps of an ambusher,
Especially when they saw a human with them.

٢. تَظُنُّ أَهدابُها أَشراكَ مُحتَبِلٍ
لا سِيّما إِذ رَأت مَعهُنَّ إِنسانا