1. O supporter of the faith whose merit encompasses,
And whose fine qualities have showered us,
١. أَيا ناصرَ الدينِ الَّذي عَمَّ فَضلُهُ
وَقَد شَمَلَتنا بِالنَوالِ شَمائِلُه
2. This land smiled when you were present,
Its streams flowed and its rivers ran.
٢. تَبسَّمَ هَذا القطرُ إِذ أَنتَ حاضِرٌ
بِهِ وَجَرى سَلسالُه وَجداولُه
3. In every garden there is a bubbling spring,
In every flower there is one like it.
٣. ففي كُلِّ رَوضٍ مِنهُ عَينٌ قَريرةٌ
وَفي كُلِّ زَهرٍ مِنهُ زَهرٌ تُشاكِلُه
4. Time envies me for you,
When I try to meet you its preoccupations continue.
٤. يُنافِسُني فيك الزَمانُ حسادة
إِذا رُمتُ لُقياك اِستَمَرّت شَوغِلُه
5. I have a time when I did not see the master
Who, when we did not visit him, visited us with his gifts.
٥. وَلي زَمَنٌ لَم أُبصِرَ السيِّدَ الَّذي
إِذا لَم نَزُرهُ زارَنا مِنهُ نائِلُه
6. A generous one whom we approached to dispel
A calamity from fate, so its disasters descended upon us.
٦. كَريمٌ قَصَدناهُ لِدَفعِ مُلِمَّةٍ
مِن الدَهرِ فانثالَت عَلَينا فَواضِلُه
7. From his generosity there are necklaces on every good person
With which beauty is enhanced over anyone rivaling him.
٧. فَمِن جودِهِ في كُلِّ جِيدٍ قَلائِدٌ
بِها يَزدَهي حُسناً عَلى مَن يُطاوِلُه
8. Glory is only what his thought domesticates,
Estrangement only what his fingers drip.
٨. وَما الفَخرُ إِلا ما يروِّضُ فكرُهُ
وَلا الهَجرُ إِلا ما تَفِيضُ أَنامِلُه
9. And this Nile neighbored the Nile of his qualities,
And aspired to emulate one it cannot match.
٩. وَجاورَ هَذا النِيلَ نَيلُ بنانِهِ
وَرامَ مُضاهاةً لِمَن لا يُماثِلُه
10. How can one equal ten fingers
Extending from the great sea gifts overflowing?
١٠. وَأَنّى يُضاهي واحدٌ عشرَ أَنمُلٍ
تُمَدُّ مِن البَحرِ الخِضَمِّ نَوافِلُه