
Other people's eyes have become diseased

غدت أعين للناس رمدا مصابة

1. Other people's eyes have become diseased
By your eyes, for magic comes from them.

١. غَدَت أَعيُنٌ لِلناسِ رُمداً مُصابَةً
بِعَينيكَ إِنَّ السِحرَ مِنها يُؤثِّرُ

2. And how much have your eyes influenced people's eyes
Until they have become impressed with themselves.

٢. وَكَم أَثَّرَت عَيناكَ في أَعيُنِ الوَرى
إِلى أَن غَدَت في نَفسِها تَتَأَثَّرُ

3. Just so does the sharp sword if it remains cutting
Become impressed with itself at that point.

٣. كَذا الصارِمُ الصَّمصامُ إِن دامَ قاطِعاً
يَصِر فيهِ مِنهُ عِندَ ذاكَ تَأثُّرُ