
O miser, even with returning greetings

يا بخيلا حتى برجع سلام

1. O miser, even with returning greetings
An apparition of you visited me at dawn

١. يا بَخيلاً حَتّى بِرَجعِ سَلامٍ
زارَني مِن خَيالِكَ الصبح طَيفُ

2. When it came rending the wings of darkness
I said, welcome O guest, though but a specter

٢. حينَ وافى يشُقُّ جُنحَ الدَياجي
قُلتُ أَهلاً بِزائِرٍ هُوَ ضَيفُ

3. Whenever I drew near, it shrank away
And to receive it, from it wafted a scent

٣. كُلَما رُمتُ قُربَهُ قَد تَناءى
وَاحتفاءً بِهِ بَدا مِنهُ حَيفُ

4. I said, how escape love of a fawn
Who has enchanted me, and nothing avails

٤. قُلت كَيفَ الخَلاصُ مِن حُبِّ ريمٍ
قَد سَباني وَلَيس يَنفَعُ كَيفُ

5. With a figure that has hurled at me a lance
And a glance that has unsheathed against me a sword

٥. بِقَوامٍ قَد هُزَّ لي مِنهُ رُمحٌ
وَبِطَرفٍ قَد سُلَّ لي مِنهُ سَيفُ

6. So tears flow and the heat of flames
My eyes are awash, my heart but embers

٦. فَدُموعٌ تهمي وَحَرُّ لَهيب
فَبِعيني مشتى وَبِالقَلبِ صَيفُ

7. My crop was his love I hoped to reap
But when the crop came, from it blew a gust

٧. كانَ زَرعي ودادُه أَرتَجيهِ
فَإِذا الزَرعُ جاءهُ مِنهُ هَيفُ

8. I saw him and my love for him grew
He saw me and against me wafted disdain

٨. وَأَراهُ فَزِدتُ فيهِ وِداداً
وَيَراني فَزادَني مِنهُ عَيفُ

9. I swear by the Place, the Black Stone and the House
And whom it encompasses, protector and protected

٩. قسماً بِالمَقامِ وَالرُكنِ وَالبيت
وَما ضَمَّهُ الآلُ وَخَيفُ

10. That my love is sincere, of limpid quintessence
While the loves of the folk of this world are naught but tinsel

١٠. إِنَّ حُبّي لخالصٌ ذو صَفاءٍ
وَمحباتُ ذا الوَرى الكلِّ زيفُ