
Your auspicious sword is like an image of a sword,

مهندك الميمون كالسيف صورة

1. Your auspicious sword is like an image of a sword,
But the edge of a sword is water in a scabbard.

١. مهَنَّدُكَ المَيمونُ كَالسَيفِ صورةً
وَلَكن فِرِندُ السَيفِ ماءٌ بِمُزنَةِ

2. If water speaks of gentleness and tenderness,
Then how many distinguished men has that water drowned?

٢. لَئِن كانَ يَحكي الماءَ لُطفاً وَرِقَّةً
فَكَم هامَةٍ في ذَلِكَ الما غَريقَةِ

3. An edge - if jinn passed it at night
The intimate would see it from afar in darkness.

٣. فِرِندٌ لَو اَنَّ الجِنَّ لَيلاً تَمُرُّ بي
سَناءً رَأَتها الأُنسُ مِن بَعدِ خِفيَةِ

4. Your slaves are tailors in war, they have seen
For it bodies with the arm of a spear enfeebled.

٤. عَبيدُكَ خَيّاطونَ في الحَربِ قَد رَأَوا
لَها بِذِراعِ الرُّمحِ أَبدان بُهمةِ

5. And they have cut them with swords and sewn
With their arrows rent asunder the resistant corpses.

٥. وَقَد قَطَّعوها بِالسُيوفِ وَخَيّطوا
بأسهُمِهِم فَتقَ الجُسومِ العَصِيَّةِ

6. And a sea of blood the boat of sun sunken
In it and stars like bubbles in a wine-skin.

٦. وَبَحرُ دِماءٍ زَورَقُ الشَمسِ غارِقٌ
بِهِ وَنُجومٌ كَالحَبابِ بِخَمرةِ

7. If a wind took the dust of your flanks
To the fire, it would become water of a garden in paradise.

٧. فَلَو أَذهَبَت ريحٌ تُرابَ جَنابِكُمُ
إِلى النار أَضحَت ماءَ رَوضٍ بِجَنَّةٍ

8. And if the smoke of your tribulations came to Egypt
Then it would reach the pyramids like a mosquito.

٨. وَلَو حَلَّ في مِصرَ دُخانُ بلائِكُم
إِذَن بَلغَ الأَهرام حلق بَعوضَةِ

9. And if a king wanted to kiss your feet
While you have trodden underfoot the highest station,

٩. وَلَو أَنَّ مَلكاً رامَ لَثمَ ركابِكُم
وَقَد حَطَّ تَحتَ الرجل أَعلى مَكانَةِ

10. The nine celestial spheres would not attain
Kissing them except in flights of thought.

١٠. كَراسيّ أَفلاكِ العُلا التِسعُ لَم يَصِل
لِتَقبيلِه إِلا بِأَوهامِ فِكرةِ

11. A king most high in sovereignty and glory
All loftiness falls short of fathoming him.

١١. مَليكٌ علا الأَملاك عِزاً وَرفعةً
يُقَصِّر عَن إِدراكِها كُلُّ رِفعةِ

12. Muhammad in the spheres is a sun and they
Are stars: when his glory shows they are eclipsed.

١٢. محمد في الأَفلاكِ شَمس وَإِنَّهُم
نُجومٌ مَتى يَبدو سَناهُ اِضمَحَلَّتِ

13. He established the beacon of the law, the law of Muhammad,
And stood for the victory of the Hanifite faith.

١٣. أَقامَ مَنارَ الشَرعِ شرعِ محمدٍ
وَقامَ بِنَصرِ المِلَّةِ الحَنفيةِ

14. He made a call in Egypt: O for Muhammad!
So all the kings of East obeyed and yielded.

١٤. دَعا دَعوةً في مِصرَ يا لَمحمدٍ
فَكُلُّ مُلوكِ الشَرقِ طاعَت وَلَبَّتِ

15. When my eyes behold your sublime glory,
They have attained from time what they yearned for.

١٥. إِذا آنَسَت عَيني سَناءَ عُلاكُمُ
فَقَد بَلَغَت مِن دَهرِها ما تَمَنَّتِ

16. And I have become like an old man whose youth returned,
Or a dead man living in bliss and fortune.

١٦. وَرُحتُ كَمثلِ الشَيخ عادَ شَبابُهُ
أَو المَيتِ يَحيا في نَعيمٍ وَغبطةِ