
Do I hope for life after losing Zumurrud,

أأرجو حياة بعد فقد زمرد

1. Do I hope for life after losing Zumurrud,
Who was the soul that delighted and nourished me?

١. أَأَرجو حَياةً بَعدَ فَقدِ زُمُرُّدِ
وَكانَت بِها روحي تَلَذُّ وَتَغتَذِي

2. Zumurrud left behind agony for the young man
And sorrow that gripped my heart and took hold

٢. زُمُرُّدُ قَد خَلَّفتِ للصَّبِّ لَوعَةً
وَحُزناً بِقَلبي آخِذاً كُلَّ مَأخَذِ

3. You shot an arrow into the midst of a wounded heart
As if the sharp sword fell upon it

٣. رَمَيتِ بِسَهمٍ وَسطَ قَلبٍ مُجَرَّحٍ
كَأَنَّ بِهِ وَقعَ الحُسامِ المُشَحَّذِ

4. So I fortified it with patience in you, and when
It beat, the arrow came to it from every outlet

٤. فَحَصَّنتُهُ بِالصَبرِ فيكِ وَعِندَما
نَبَضت أَتاه السَهمُ مِن كُلِّ منفَذِ

5. From my eyelid comes the sleeplessness of an eye as if
The night passes over it like a hedgehog

٥. فَمِن مُقلَتي تَسهادُ جَفنٍ كَأَنَّما
يَمُرُّ عَلَيهِ اللَيلُ جلدةَ قُنفُذِ

6. And from my hearing, an ear listening for your voice always
And from my nose, a longing for your gentle scent

٦. وَمِن مَسمَعي صَغوٌ لِصَوتك دائِماً
وَمِن معطَسي تَوقٌ إِلى عَرفِكِ الشَذِي

7. And from my smile, the breaths of fire that went
Over a burning liver and obsessed mind

٧. وَمِن مَبسَمي أَنفاسُ نارٍ تَردَّدَت
عَلى كَبِدٍ حَرّى وَعَقلٍ مُؤَخَّذِ

8. In it are touches that have affected it and confusion
So it cannot be led by incantations or amulets

٨. بِهِ لَمَمٌ قَد مَسَّهُ وَتَخَبُّطٌ
فَلا بالرُقى يُهدى وَلا بِالتَعوُّذِ

9. Her daughter Nadira bint presented it
And they were both compiled in an atheist who was not gentle

٩. تقدّمها بنتي نَضيرةُ بِنتها
وَقَد جُمِعا في مُلحدٍ لَم يُسرَّذِ

10. And we were the ones with connections to me and returning
And they were both omitted, nothing remained but that which

١٠. وَكُنّا الَّذي مَع وَصلَةٍ لي وَعائِدٍ
وَقَد حُذفا لَم يَبقَ مِنها سِوى الَّذي

11. And the adornment of wisdom, her mind was steadfast so
It is not affected by the illusions of any sorcerer

١١. وَزينةِ حِلم عَقلُها ثابِتٌ فَلا
تَأثرُ مِن إِيهامِ كُلِّ مُشَعوذِ

12. And she gained good morals for good behavior
And soft, pure words that are not vile

١٢. وَحازَت لِحُسنِ الخَلقِ خُلقاً مُدَمَّثاً
وَلينَ كَلامٍ طاهِرٍ لَيسَ بِالبَذي

13. So she did not sully her mouth with the absence of an absent one
And did not prevent sustenance from one who came seeking

١٣. فَما دَنَّسَت فاها بِغيبَةِ غائِبٍ
وَلا مَنَعَت رفداً لِمَن جاءَ يَحتَذي

14. She knew all kinds of goods sold
And their prices, from trinkets to jewelry

١٤. وَتعرف أَجناسَ المَبيعِ جَميعه
وَأَثمانه مِن فَحمَةٍ للزُمُرُّذِ

15. And if a kohl seller or a doctor came to her
They submitted to being her students

١٥. وَإِن جاءَ كَحّالٌ وَذو الطب نَحوَها
تُباريهما فَأَذعنا للتَّتلمُذِ

16. My mind changed after my body
So my intellect did not accept the decisions of charms

١٦. تَغيَّر ذِهني بَعدَ جِسمي
فَعَقليَ لَم يَقبل عَزائمَ عوَّذِ

17. And my body, when I tried to lay down and rest
Tosses and turns on the embers of agony and then slides

١٧. وَجسمي إِذا رُمتُ اِضطِجاعاً لِراحَةٍ
يَقلَّب عَلى جَمرِ الغَضا ثُم يَحتَذي

18. And if I tried to stand up and rise, my heel
I see it as if the thorns of bindweed entwined it

١٨. وَإِن رُمتُ نَهضاً لِلقيام فَأَخمَصِي
أَراهُ كَأَن شَوكُ القَتادِ بِهِ حُذي

19. And if I attempted to sit, worries came one after the other
Whenever it clung to my soul and pulled

١٩. وَإِن أَنا حاوَلتُ القُعودَ تَواتَرَت
هُمومٌ مَتى تَعلَق بِروحِيَ تَجبذِ

20. So my heart is in sorrow and my eye is in tears
Oh how strange is the lament between one who has settled and one who is confused

٢٠. فَقَلبيَ في حُزنٍ وَعَينيَ في بُكا
فَيا لَكَ شَجواً بينَ ذا قَد ثَوى وَذِي

21. Beautiful of creation, easygoing, soft of heart
Delicate of heart, sharp of mind, and focused

٢١. جَميلةُ خَلقٍ سَهلةُ الخُلقِ لينةٌ
رَقيقَةُ قَلبٍ ثاقِبِ الذهنِ أَحوَذي

22. I find you will not listen to a devoted complainant
With a wounded heart, crying for you

٢٢. أَجدك لَن تُصغِي لِشاكٍ مُوَلَّهٍ
جَريحِ فُؤادٍ فيكَ ذي مَدمَعٍ قَذي

23. You were stingy until even an apparition is not visiting
At the bedside of one oblivious of heart, shaken

٢٣. تَباخَلتِ حَتّى الطيفُ لَيسَ بِزائِرٍ
لَدى هَجعَةٍ ساهِي الفُؤادِ مُجَذَّذِ

24. Saleh, Ahmad and Muhammad survive
And Belqis like orphans after Zumurrud

٢٤. يَقي صالِحٌ وَأَحمَدُ وُمُحَمَّدٌ
وَبلقيسُ كَالأَيتامِ بَعدَ زُمُرُّذِ

25. They had a loving mother and grandmother
Who tempted them with all kinds of pleasures

٢٥. وَكانَت لَهُم أُمّاً حَنوناً وَجَدَّةً
شَفوقاً تُشَهِّيهِم بِكُلِّ تَلَذُّذِ

26. And chose for them types of desserts and candies
And dates for them and dried fruits

٢٦. وَتَختارُ أَنواعَ المَطاعِمِ سُكّرٍ
وَحَلوى وَبانيذٍ لَهُم وَطَبَرزَذِ

27. She related from the narrations of the Messenger foundations
And her soul was nourished by listening to them

٢٧. رَوَت مِن أَحاديثِ الرَسولِ مَسانِداً
وَكانَ لَها روحٌ بِتَسماعِها غُذي

28. Authentic Bukhari and Musnad Darimi
With the narration of an imam of reliable transmission

٢٨. صَحيحَ بُخارِيٍّ وَمسندَ دارمٍ
بِسَمعِ إِمامٍ ثابتِ النَقلِ جَهبَذِ

29. And she related in Bayt Al-Maqdis what she related
To an Egyptian or Levantine or Baghdadi

٢٩. وَرَوَّت بِبَيتِ اللَهِ وَالقُدسِ ما رَوَت
لِمصريٍّ أَو شاميٍّ أَو مُتَبَغدِذِ

30. And she performed Hajj and visited twice and sanctified
And did not fail to rush to do any righteous deed

٣٠. وَحجَّت وَزَارَت مَرَّتَينِ وَقَدَّست
وَما يَكُ مِن بِرٍّ تُعجِّل وَتنفِذِ

31. God ordained that she lived and died happily
And no man can evade what He has decreed

٣١. قَضى اللَهُ أَن عاشَت وَماتَت سَعيدَةً
وَلَيسَ امرؤٌ مِما قَضاهُ بِمنفَذِ

32. She passed away with a beautiful immortal memory
Praise like the scent of musk and fragrant ambergris

٣٢. مَضَت وَلَها ذكرٌ جَميلٌ مُخَلّدٌ
ثَناء كَعَرف المسكِ وَالعَنبَرِ الشَذِي

33. They took her soul to the highest realm
To the soul, gardens and blessings of Paradise

٣٣. إِلى العالَمِ العُلويِّ راحُوا بِروحِها
لِروح وَرَيحانٍ وَجَنَّةِ مغتَذِ

34. And she never cared for clothing, adornment
Or jewelry to appear in luxurious bliss

٣٤. وَلَم تَكتَرِث يَوماً بِلِبسٍ وَزينَةٍ
وَحَليٍ فَتَبدو في النَعيمِ المُلَذّذِ

35. But with charity and forbearance adorning her
With a whiff for the poor and pardoning the vile

٣٥. وَلَكن بِجودٍ وَاحتِمالٍ يَزينُها
بِنَفحٍ لِذي فَقرٍ وَصَفحٍ عَن البَذي

36. Purified in word, heart, and innocent
Absolved of anything objectionable or obscene

٣٦. مُطَهرةٌ لَفظاً وَقَلباً وَبَرَّةٌ
مُبَرَّأةٌ عَن كُلِّ ما قادحٍ رَذي