1. Holding two houses or breaths counting breaths,
And the whispers of Sanaa or engraving on paper,
١. أَمسِك دارِينَ أَم أَنفاسُ أَنقاسِ
وَوَشيُ صَنعاءَ أَم نَقشٌ بِقرطاسِ
2. Or a garden that gathered the scattered flowers,
Figures of light for kinds and races,
٢. أَم رَوضَةٌ جَمَعت أَشتاتَ زَهرتِها
أَشخاصُ نورٍ لأَنواعٍ وَأَجناسِ
3. A string that the lyrical poems would want to be
A necklace around the neck or a crown on top of the head,
٣. نَظمٌ توَدُّ الغَواني لَو يَكونُ لَها
عِقداً عَلى النَحرِ أَو تاجاً عَلى الراسِ
4. Inked with the blackness of ink, its whiteness,
Oh how beautiful is its gloominess with the light of the lamp,
٤. محبَّرٌ بِسَوادِ الحِبرِ أَبيضُهُ
يا حُسنَهُ من دُجى في نورِ نِبراسِ
5. It revived so it revived Abu Hayyan its newcomer,
And delighted the soul with whatever companion,
٥. حَيّا فَأَحيا أبا حَيّان وافِدُهُ
وَآنس النَفسَ مِنهُ أَيَّ إِيناسِ
6. O day of happiness accessible, it has become mine
With it soon and my devil with it disgraced,
٦. يا يَومَ سَعدٍ مُتاحٍ قَد غَدا مَلَكي
بِهِ قَريباً وَشَيطاني بِهِ خاسِ
7. You brought out the stars of my happiness when they disappeared as
You ignited after obscurity the light of the wick,
٧. أَطلَعتَ أَنجُمَ سَعدي إِذ أَفَلنَ كَما
شَبَبتَ بَعدَ خُبُوءٍ ضوءَ مِقباسِ
8. The self did not think that time would be generous with what
It was stingy with when its heart was cruel,
٨. ما ظَنت النَفسُ أَن تَسخو الدُهورُ بِما
ضَنَّت بِهِ إِذ أَلانَت قَلبَها القاسي
9. Grey hair returned to youth and sorrow to joy
So my Umayyad heart became Abbasid and the head,
٩. عادَ المشيبُ شَباباً وَالأَسى فرحا
فَقَلبيَ الأُمَوي وَالرَأس عَباسِي
10. Since I belonged to the star of religion, the stars disappeared from
My heart the sorrow and my chronic illness became well,
١٠. لَما اِنتَمَيتُ لِنَجمِ الدينِ أنجم عَن
قَلبي الأَسى وَغَدا لي مسقِمي آسي
11. And since my stranger knew him
My bereavements disappeared and my weddings approached in time,
١١. وَمُذ تعرَّف مَنكورِي إِلَيهِ نَأت
مَآتِمي وَدَنَت في الوَقتِ أَعراسي
12. So my life's mouth is smiling and its side
Is soft, and it used to be frowning and grim,
١٢. فَثغرُ دَهرِيَ بَسّامٌ وَجانِبُهُ
لَينٌ وَكانَ قَديماً عابِساً عاسِي
13. With the star the people of chastity are guided and does
He who is guided by the star among people get lost?
١٣. بِالنَجمِ أَهلُ النُهى هُم يَهتَدونَ وَهَل
يحارُ مَن يَهتَدي بِالنجمِ في الناسِ
14. The Lord of knowledges and Granter of spiritual insights, leading
The gentle one of excellent morals and appearance,
١٤. رَبُّ المَعارف وَهّابُ العَوارِفِ مُه
دٍ للطائِفِ ذو الإِحسانِ وَالباسِ
15. He appoints the good and makes it forgotten and remembers what
Gives him in gratitude of a remembering companion,
١٥. يُولي الجَميلَ وَيَنساهُ وَيذكرُ ما
تُوليهِ شُكراً لَهُ مِن ذاكِرٍ ناسِ
16. He revived with Yahya one with an easy life and a taster
And whoever intends him harm or poverty,
١٦. أَحيا بِيَحيى رَخيَّ البالِ ذامِقَةٍ
وَمَن يُناويهِ في مَقتٍ وَإِفلاسِ
17. I will thank the One who bestowed on me blessings
The gratitude of the cloud, the meadows and the myrtle,
١٧. لأَشكُرَنَّ الَّذي أَسداهُ مِن نِعَمٍ
شُكرَ الغَمامِ رِياضَ الوردِ وَالآسِ