
My friend, how long will you continue

أمالك مهجتي كم ذا توالي

1. My friend, how long will you continue
Bestowing favors upon me continuously?

١. أَمالِك مُهجَتي كَم ذا تُوالي
عَوارِفَ قَد أَتينَ عَلى التَوالي

2. I lower my eyes in shyness
For the generosity you have shown.

٢. بَقِيتُ أَغُضُّ مِن طَرفي حَياءً
لَما اسدَيتَ مِن كَرَمِ الخِلالِ

3. You have honored me with your praise
And delighted my hearing with your melodies.

٣. لَقَد شرَّفتَ بِالتَقريظِ وَضعي
وَقَد شنَّفتَ سَمعي بِاللآلي

4. You have left no strange meaning
Without adorning it with a word of my state.

٤. فَما أَبقيتَ مِن مَعنىً غَريبٍ
توشِّيهِ بِلَفظٍ مِنكَ حالي

5. It seems the essences of meanings have fallen in love with you
And come to you without asking.

٥. تُرى عشقتكَ أَبكارُ المَعاني
فَجئنكَ يَبتدِرنَ بِلا سُؤالِ

6. It is fitting that convoys of maidens
Who have emerged from seclusion visit you.

٦. جَديرٌ أَن يَزُرنَك رافِلاتٍ
عَرائِسُ قَد بَرَزنَ مِن الحِجالِ

7. To adorn them with the beauties of your excellence
And grant us pride and loftiness.

٧. لِتَكسوها محاسِنَ مِن عُلاكُم
وَتَمنَحنا المَفاخرَ وَالمَعالي

8. Beloved of my heart, my love for you is old,
The nights cannot change it.

٨. حَبيبَ القَلبِ وُدّي مِن قَديمٍ
صَحيحٌ لا تُغيِّرُهُ اللَيالي

9. My night and my day are in passion,
Sleep does not occur to me.

٩. وَلَيلي مَع نَهاري في سُهادٍ
فَلَيسَ النَوم يَخطرُ لي بِبالي

10. Your beautiful image is before my eyes,
I am not one who seeks false fantasies.

١٠. وَصورَتُك الجَميلةُ نُصبَ عَيني
فَلَستُ بِطالِبٍ زَورَ الخَيالِ

11. I have composed mysteries in my verse
That the eloquent struggle to unravel.

١١. لَقَد أَلغَزتُ في نَظمي بِسرٍّ
تحارُ بِفَكِّهِ فُصحَ الرِجالِ

12. My beginning has a strange report
And my end is akin to my start.

١٢. وَمبتدَئي لَهُ خبرٌ غَريبٌ
وَمنفصلٌ شَبيهٌ بِاتِصالِ