
When a young man inclines towards darkness one day

إذا مال الفتى للسود يوما

1. When a young man inclines towards darkness one day
He has no insight or guidance left

١. إِذا مالَ الفَتى للسودِ يَوماً
فَلا رَأي لَدَيهِ وَلا رَشادُ

2. He craves an ugly dark-skinned woman as if she were tar
He makes her skin his cover though it is but darkness

٢. أَتَهوى خُنفَساء كَأَن زِفتاً
كَسا جلداً لَها وَهوَ السَوادُ

3. The dark woman is naught but a furnace
And a brazier, coal, or ink

٣. وَما السَوداءُ إِلا قِدر فرنٍ
وَكانونٌ وَفَحمٌ أَو مِدادُ

4. The fair woman is naught but the radiant sun
Which illuminates the eye and heart

٤. وَما البَيضاءُ إِلا الشَمسُ لاحَت
تُنيرُ العَينُ مِنها وَالفُؤادُ

5. A bracelet of silver adorned with roses
Brings joy in slumber and in wakefulness

٥. سَبيكةُ فِضَّةٍ حُشيَت بِوَردٍ
يَلَذُّ السُّهدُ مَعها وَالرُّقادُ

6. Between the fair and the dark skinned there is a difference
Clear to one of reason and discernment

٦. وَبَينَ البيضِ وَالسودانِ فَرقٌ
لِذي عَقلٍ بِهِ اِتَّضَحَ المُرادُ

7. The faces of the faithful have a whiteness
While the faces of the faithless are darkened

٧. وجوهُ المُؤمنينَ لَها اِبيضاضٌ
وَوَجهُ الكافِرينَ بِهِ اِسوِدادُ