
The essence of the Supreme flowed into the Supreme world,

سرى الجوهر العلوي للعالم العلوي

1. The essence of the Supreme flowed into the Supreme world,
And the innermost part of the earth was made a repository of tranquility.

١. سَرى الجَوهرُ العُلويُّ للعالمِ العُلوِي
وَأُسكِنَ بَطنَ الأَرض مَستودَعَ السّلوِ

2. The house of knowledge, religion, pilgrimage was suspended -
Of mention, Quran, jurisprudence and grammar.

٢. وَعُطِّلَ بَيتُ العِلمِ وَالدينِ وَالحِجا
مِن الذكرِ وَالقُرآنِ وَالفقهِ وَالنَحوِ

3. It had been inhabited by the Sunnah of Ahmed,
Yet here it is, after intimacy with it, strengthened.

٣. وَقَد كانَ مَعموراً بِسُنَّةِ أَحمَدٍ
فَها هُوَ ذا مِن بَعدِ أُنسٍ بِها مُقوي

4. There was vitality in it, an illuminating sun,
But that light was eclipsed and erased.

٤. وَكانَت نُضارٌ فيهِ شَمساً منيرةً
فَعوجِلَ ذاكَ النُورُ بِالكَسفِ وَالمَحوِ

5. A young woman, as if beauty itself had been given the choice
Of where to reside, so it chose her, seeker of wonders!

٥. فَتاةٌ كَأنَّ الحسنَ خُيِّرَ أينَ مَن
يَحِلُّ بِها فاختارَها طالبُ البَأوِ

6. People strove for greatness and fell short,
Yet vitality came to her, surpassing others in stature.

٦. جَرى الناس شَأواً للمعالي وَقَصَّروا
وَجاءَت نُضارٌ فيهِ سابِقَة الشَأوِ

7. No daughter among daughters is a peer to Nudhar -
She surpassed the daughters of people, both urban and nomad.

٧. وَما لنضارٍ في البَناتِ نَظيرةٌ
لَفاقَت بَناتَ الناسِ في الحَضرِ وَالبَدوِ

8. Greetings to that youth to whom, for her sake,
The gowns of knowledge, religion and hiddenness bowed down.

٨. سَلامٌ عَلى ذاكَ الشَبابِ الَّذي لَها
تَرَدّى رِداءَ العلمِ وَالدينِ وَالسّروِ

9. Greetings to the pride of daughters, who became
A mother to whom she brings pride, whatever her pride!

٩. سَلامٌ عَلى فَخرِ البَناتِ الَّتي غَدَت
لداتٌ لَها تزهى بِها أَيَّما زَهوِ

10. They revere her, whether they gather in an assembly,
So they sit below while she sits on high.

١٠. يُعَظِّمنَها إِمّا حَلَلنَ بِمُنتَدىً
فَيجلِسنَ سُفلاً وَهيَ تَجلِس في البَهوِ

11. They kiss the edge of her gown out of reverence for her,
And she casts pearls to them from her sweet talk.

١١. يُقَبِّلنَ مِنها الردنَ عِظماً لِشأنِها
فَتُلقي لَهُنَّ الدُرَّ مِن مَنطِقٍ حُلوِ

12. Is there, after Nudhar, a way I can seek a life of tranquility
When, oh remoteness, my life is so disturbed from tranquility?

١٢. أَبَعدَ نُضارٍ أَبتَغي صَفوَ عِيشَةٍ
وَقَد كُدِّرَت يا بُعدَ عَيشي مِن الصَفوِ

13. She has intoxicated my heart, my eyes and my hearing -
I have no thought, no limb of my own!

١٣. لَقَد أَشرَبَت قَلبي وَطَرفي وَمَسمَعي
وَما ليَ مِن فكرٍ وَما ليَ مِن عُضوِ

14. And I, in every era, am inhabited by her being -
She represents to me the past, present and what is to come.

١٤. وَإِنّي مَعمورُ الزَمانِ بِشَخصِها
يمثل لي في الأَمسِ وَاليَومِ وَالغدوِ

15. And I have vowed that I will remain, because of her,
Ever-present, pining, always yearning and lamenting,

١٥. وَعاهدتُ أَنّي لا أَزالُ إِزاءَها
مُقيماً كَئيباً دائمَ الشَوقِ وَالشَجوِ

16. Until the final hours come upon me and we ascend
From this lowly abode to the Exalted Realm.

١٦. إِلى أَن تُوافيني شَعوبُ فَنَرتَقي
مِن الوَهدَةِ السُفلى إِلى العالمِ العُلوي

17. If others have erred in their love,
Never will I err, not for a moment, in my love for Nudhar!

١٧. لَئِن كانَ غَيري قَد سَها عَن حَبيبِهِ
فَما أَنا يَوماً عَن نُضارَ بذي سَهوِ

18. And if one drunk on love has become sober,
Then I am ever drunk, beyond all sobering!

١٨. وَإِن كانَ سَكرانٌ مِن الحُبِّ قَد صَحا
فَإِنّي سَكرانٌ وَما لي مِن صَحوِ

19. She watered a garden where Nudhar took up abode -
Intoxicated by love's headiness, with no sobering.

١٩. سَقى رَوضَةً حَلَّت نُضارُ قَرارَها
مُغِبّ مِن الغُرِّ الغَوادِي بِلا صَحوِ

20. And basil still shades her tomb -
What garden can contain what it contains?

٢٠. وَلا زالَ رَيحانٌ يُظِلُّ ضَريحَها
فَما رَوضَةٌ تَحوي كمثلِ الَّذي تَحوِي