1. O you who generously give sweetness and deny
With a stinginess sweeter and more delicious than sweetness.
١. أَيا مانِحي الحَلواءَ جُوداً وَمانِعي
عَلى بُخلٍ أَحلى وَأَشهى مِن الحَلوى
2. Winds have spun its taste into flavor and relish-
And even if the soul doesn't taste it, it is delighted by its aroma.
٢. رُضابٌ حَكَتهُ الراحُ طَعماً وَنكهَةً
وَإِن لَم تَذُقهُ الروحُ راحَت بِهِ نَشوى
3. And truly, even if it did taste it, its exhilaration would last
Until the appointed time of death- it seeks no sobriety.
٣. وَإِنّي وَلَو ذاقَتهُ دامَ اِنتِشاؤُها
إِلى الأَجَلِ المَحتومِ لا تَبتَغي صَحوا
4. I used to ask, if only it would allow a sip-
But neither it is one to give, nor I one to ask.
٤. وَقَد كُنتُ أَسلو لَو يَمُنُّ بِرَشفَةٍ
فَلا هُوَ ذُو مَنٍّ وَلا أَنا ذُو سَلوى