1. The radiance of your face, is it the rising full moon at night?
And the color of your cheek, is it a rose dyed by it?
١. أَنورُ وَجهِكَ أَم بَدرُ الدُجى بَزَغا
وَلَونُ خَدِّكَ أَم وَردٌ بِهِ صُبِغا
2. Your sweet saliva, is it a drifting scent,
With which musk is melted, so whoever tastes it is intoxicated?
٢. وَريقُكَ العَذبُ أَم راحٌ يذابُ بِهِ
مسكٌ فَمن يَرتَشِفه قَد هَذا ولَغا
3. The kohl of your eyes, is it a magic seized
By Harut, so he gained more enslavement by it and transgressed?
٣. وَغُنجُ عَينيكَ أَم سِحرٌ تلقَّفَه
هاروتُ فازداد تَسليكاً بِهِ وَطَغى
4. What magic does to minds is what your eyes have done,
O you whose tormenting of people is complete!
٤. ما يَفعلُ السحرُ بِالأَلبابِ ما فَعَلَت
عَيناكَ يا مَن لِتعذيبِ الوَرى فَرَغا
5. No heart has ever loved you as mine has,
Not for a day, nor has fervor reached what it has reached.
٥. ما هامَ قَلبٌ كَقَلبي في مَحبَّتكم
يَوماً وَلا بلغَ الوَجدَ الَّذي بَلَغا
6. Between my ribs is an agony for its dweller,
While between my eyelids and sleep it has departed.
٦. بَين الضلوعِ وَصبواتي لِساكِنها
سلمٌ وَبَين جُفوني وَالمَنامُ وَغَى
7. So there is no way to solace from a moon,
Rather I seek refuge when its demon tempts.
٧. فَلا سَبيلَ إِلى السُلوانِ عَن قَمَرٍ
بَل اَستعيذُ إِذا شَيطانه نَزَغا
8. I am amazed by a scorpion that stung
My heart in its cheek, and did not leave its cheekbone.
٨. عَجِبتُ مِن عَقربٍ في خَدِّهِ لَسَبَت
قَلبي وَما فارَقَت مِن خَدِّه الصُدُغا
9. The hair above the forehead is disheveled,
As if hands have pulled it however they have stung.
٩. وَأَرقمُ الشَعرِ فَوقَ المَتنِ مُضطَرِبا
قَد جاذَبَتهُ أَكُفٌّ كَيفَ ما لَدغا
10. Wonders have come to us from its beauty,
So every heart for your perfect grace is small.
١٠. عَجائِبٌ قَد أَتَتنا مِن مَحاسنِهِ
فَكُلُّ قَلبٍ لذيّاكَ الجَمالِ صَغا