
Man cannot live without the sight

لا بد للإنسان من صورة

1. Man cannot live without the sight
Of beauty that delights his eyes,

١. لا بُدَّ لِلإِنسانِ مِن صُورةٍ
جَميلةٍ يَشهدُها طَرفُهُ

2. And merry tales to lift his heart,
And fragrance of musk that makes him rise.

٢. وَمِن حَديثٍ فَكِهٍ نادرٍ
يَعلَقُ بِالقَلب لَهُ وَصفُهُ

3. The touch of downy skin that's smooth
As moon when half its course is through,

٣. وَمِن أَريجِ مسكٍ أَو عَنبرٍ
يَلتَذُّ بِالشمِّ لَهُ أَنفُهُ

4. The taste of kisses sweet as wine,
That on a smiling lip he'll find.

٤. وَمِن مِجَسٍّ أَهيفٍ ناعمٍ
كَالبَدر في الشَهرِ مَضى نِصفُهُ

5. Who's granted these five ecstasies,
His life is filled with joy that frees

٥. وَمِن مَذاقٍ ريقُهُ قَرقَفٌ
في مَبسِمٍ يُسكِرُها رَشفُهُ

6. His spirit. And if death should come,
He will not care when life is done.

٦. خَمسٌ مِن اللذاتِ مَن نالَها
فَهوَ سَعيدٌ كامِلٌ ظَرفُهُ