1. Why do I see you in need of strangers?
You, O possessor of the secret of the two worlds together.
١. ما لي أَراكَ إِلى الأَغيارِ مُفتَقِراً
وَأنتَ يا صاحِ سرُّ العالمينَ مَعا
2. Sanctify your existence to transcend anyone,
Except the One who originated all things as Creator.
٢. نَزِّه وُجودَك أَن يَسمو إِلى أَحَدٍ
إِلا الَّذي أَوجدَ الأَشياءَ مُختَرِعا
3. What He willed came to be, what not, it cannot be,
So leave the ignorant to suffer greed and vain hopes.
٣. ما شاءَ كانَ وَما لا فَهوَ ممتَنِعٌ
فَدَع جَهولاً يُعاني الحِرصَ وَالطَمَعا