
The eyes of the doe are for youth, the heart of the courageous quivers

عين المها للصبا قلب الشجي يلززن

1. The eyes of the doe are for youth, the heart of the courageous quivers
How many passions of ours have perished, and how many quiver

١. عَينُ المَها للصِبا قَلبُ الشَجي يَلزُزن
كَم أَتلَفت مُهَجاً مِنا وَكَم يعزِزن

2. They shake the darkness of spears, O beauty, how they quiver
When they stab into my heart, they quiver

٢. يَهزُزنَ سُمرَ القَنا يا حُسنَ ما يَهزُزن
إِذا طَعَنَّ بِها في مُهجَتي يَحزُزن