
I looked upon this existence and found

نظرت إلى هذا الوجود فلم أجد

1. I looked upon this existence and found
None but deceivers, hypocrites, and tricksters

١. نَظَرت إِلى هَذا الوجودِ فَلَم أَجِد
بِهِ غَيرَ كَذّابٍ مُراءٍ مُخادِعِ

2. And a buffoon who attained heights through his idiocy
Having grown accustomed to striking his own nape and temples

٢. وَمَسخَرةٍ نالَ المَعالي بِسُخفِهِ
قَد اِعتادَ صَكاً في القَفا وَالأَخادِعِ

3. And a people who sold their faith
For a pittance of this world, exceedingly avaricious

٣. وَجَمّاعةٍ للمالِ قَد باعَ دِينَهُ
بِنَزرٍ مِن الدُنيا كَثير المَطامِعِ

4. And a pretentious, affected, ignorant man
Who assumed arrogance in the guise of humility

٤. وَذي عَرشَةٍ مُستأذِب مُتنَمِّسٍ
جَهولٍ تَعاطى الكِبر في زِيِّ خاشِعِ

5. And as for those few who follow Ahmed's Law
Sincere, vocal Muslims are very rare indeed

٥. وَأَمّا الَّذي يَقفُو شَريعَةَ أَحمَدٍ
فَأَقلِل بِهِ مِن صادِقِ الدينِ صادِعِ