
Revel in it, in the softness of robes, gently,

تمتع به لدن المعاطف أهيفا

1. Revel in it, in the softness of robes, gently,
It quenches you with sweet pillows, bubbly.

١. تَمتَّع بِهِ لَدنَ المَعاطفِ أَهيفا
يَسقيكَ من عَذبِ المَراشفِ قَرقفا

2. It's the sun, yet has no feminine charm,
It's the full moon, but isn't pretentious at all.

٢. هُوَ الشَمس لَكن لَيسَ فيهِ تَأنُّثٌ
هُوَ البَدرُ إِلا أَنَّه لَيسَ أَكلَفا

3. Born between the Turks in Egypt, it contained
In its gentleness, beauty recounting Joseph.

٣. تَولَّدَ بَينَ التُركِ في مِصرَ فاحتَوى
إِلى لُطفِهِ حُسنا حَكى فيهِ يُوسُفا

4. A gaze that's coaxing, hearts it keeps seducing,
A soft utterance, its heart is like clear spring water.

٤. مجَذَّبُ لَحظٍ جاذِبٌ لِقُلوبِنا
وَليِّنُ لَفظٍ قَلبُهُ أَشبَهَ الصَفا

5. Gardens of beauty its face, so you see in it
A budding narcissus and doubled rose petals.

٥. رِياضُ جَمالٍ وَجهُهُ فَلذا تَرى
بِهِ نَرجِساً غَضّاً وَوَرداً مُضَعَّفا

6. It's guarded from the plucker's hand by hair
That sways only gently in the breeze.

٦. يُحارِسُهُ مِن رائِدِ القَطفِ أَرقمٌ
مِن الشَعرِ ما يَهتَزُّ إِلا لينقفا

7. Its beauty is enough to carry its weaponry,
Didn't you see what most pierces the heart?

٧. مَحاسِنهُ تَكفيهِ حَملَ سِلاحِهِ
أَلَم تَرَ ما في القَلبِ أنفَذ مَصرِفا

8. So from its tender gaze it felled lovesick,
And from its seductive height it toppled the pretentious.

٨. فَمِن لَحظِهِ الوسنانِ سَلَّ مُهنَّداً
وَمِن قَدِّهِ الفَينانِ هَزَّ مُثَقَّفا

9. We delighted in it, inhaling its scent, and didn't reach
Did time allow us to be equal to it?

٩. نعِمنا بِهِ ضَمّاً وَشَمّاً وَلَم نُبَل
أَجارَ زَمانٌ مع سِوانا أَم أنصفا

10. What's life but stolen moments with a veiled one,
Permitting you what you desire, an embrace and pillow?

١٠. وَما العَيش إِلا خُلسَةٌ مِن محجَّبٍ
يُبيحُكَ ما تَهوى عِناقاً وَمَرشَفا