1. Listen, my brother, and remember if you have any sense,
Words of sincere advice, in earnest not jest,
١. أَلا اسمع أَخي وَاحفَظهُ إِن كُنتَ ذا عَقل
كَلامَ نَصيحٍ فاهَ بِالجَدِّ لا الهَزلِ
2. Upon you is Allah's Book and the traditions,
Upheld by the just in transmission and text,
٢. عليكَ كِتابُ اللَهِ وَالسُنَن الَّتي
تَناولَها أَهلُ العَدالةِ في النَقلِ
3. Say the Prophet's Companions are the foremost guide,
In religion, by word and by deed they excel,
٣. وَقُل إِنَّ أَصحابَ الرَسولِ هُمُ الأُلى
بِهم يُقتَدى في الدينِ بِالقَولِ وَالفعلِ
4. They're the best of Allah's creation after their Prophet,
None can match their superiority and merit as well,
٤. هُم خَيرُ خَلقِ اللَهِ بَعد نبيِّهم
فَلَيسَ لَهُم في السَبقِ وَالفَضلِ مِن مِثلِ
5. They believed in Allah first and did jihad,
Destroying disbelief ere loss and death knell,
٥. وَهُم آمَنوا بِاللَهِ بَدءاً وَجاهَدوا
فَأَفنَوا قبيل الكُفرِ بِالسَبي وَالقَتلِ
6. And they carried shariah knowledge for those coming later,
A transmission pure of any flaw and lapse they tell,
٦. وَهُم نَقَلوا علمَ الشَريعةِ لِلَّذي
أَتى بَعدَهُم نَقلاً بَريئاً مِن الخَبلِ
7. So whatever good came to those after them,
The Companions deserve a share of its wealth as well,
٧. فَما يَكُ مِن خَيرٍ لِمَن جاءَ بَعدَهُم
فَهُم لَهُمُ حظٌّ مِن الأَجرِ وَالفَضلِ
8. And their accounts are related successively,
As lone reports that are sound in mind and intellect,
٨. وَأَخبارُهُم مَنقولَةٌ بِتَواترٍ
وَآحاد النقل الَّذي صحَّ في العَقلِ
9. None amongst them claimed to walk on water one day,
With feet unsullied, no wetting their sole,
٩. فَما مِنهُمُ مَن طارَ يَوماً وَلا مَشى
عَلى الماءِ لا يَندى لَهُ أَخمصُ الرِجلِ
10. Nor an informer of secrets, transmuter fine
Of disciples from dust and sand into gold,
١٠. وَلا مُخبرٌ بِالغَيبِ لا وَمُصيّرٌ
دَقيقَ حُوارى مِن تُرابٍ وَمِن رَملِ
11. Nor one who neared the sky with their gaze
Causing it to shower with vials untold,
١١. وَلا مَن دَنا نَحوَ السَماءِ بِطَرفِهِ
لمُزنٍ فَجادَت بِالوَكيفِ لَدى المَحلِ
12. Nor a spender of hidden coins of silver drachma,
With no mint nor smith of origin extolled,
١٢. وَلا مُنفِقٌ بِالغَيبِ بيضَ دَراهمٍ
بلا ضربِ ضرّابٍ وَلا مَعدِنٍ أَصلي
13. Nor a snatcher of fruits from thin air,
Roses without thorns and dates with no palm,
١٣. ولا خاطِفٌ مِن الهَواء فَواكِهاً
فَوَردٌ بِلا شَوكٍ وَتمرٌ بِلا نَخلِ
14. Leave alone the miracles of prophets as reverence,
Which they mimicked like step matching step heel to heel,
١٤. دَعَوا مُعجِزاتِ الأَنبياءِ كَرامةً
لَهُم وَادَّعَوها حَذوكَ النَعلَ بِالنَعلِ
15. Seeking fame in the world and leadership,
And wealth hoarded steadily with no repeal,
١٥. ينالُونَ صيتاً في الوَرى وَرِياسَةً
عَلَيهم وَأَموالاً تُجَمَّعُ بِالمِثلِ
16. Beyond this they claimed the impossible and ascribed,
To themselves what no messenger was revealed,
١٦. وَزادُوا عَلى هَذا مُحالاً وَأَسنَدوا
لأَنفسِهم ما لَم يَكُن قَطُّ للرُسلِ
17. So who is this that in one moment seems one being,
Occupying above and below without veil,
١٧. فَمن ذا كَأنَّ الشَخصَ في الآنِ واحِداً
يَحِلُ جِهاتٍ مِن عُلُوٍّ وَمِن سِفلِ
18. Conversing here with one in Egypt and another in Damascus,
And another one tilling the field,
١٨. يحدِّثُ ذا في مِصرَ وَهوَ محدِّثٌ
لآخر في شامٍ وَآخرَ في حَقلِ
19. And dives in a river for ablution then joins,
The clans on the plain and in the vale,
١٩. وَيغطِسُ في نَهرٍ لِغسلٍ فَيَلتَقي
مَدائنَ أَقوامٍ عَلى الحَزنِ وَالسَهلِ
20. And marries a maiden there who bears him,
Sons till he has sons and family hale,
٢٠. وَيَنكِحُ بِكراً فيهم وَلَدت لَهُ
بَنين فَأَضحى في بَنينَ وَفي أَهلِ
21. Staying with them for pleasurable years,
United in marriage with children the hearty table,
٢١. مُقيماً لَدَيهم في سِنينَ مُمَتَّعاً
بِأبنائِهِ وَالعِرسُ مُجتَمعُ الشَملِ
22. Then emerges from the river discarding his clothes,
On the river bank whence he came for the lave,
٢٢. فَيَخرُجُ مِن ذا النَهرِ يُلقي ثِيابَهُ
عَلى حافَةِ النَهرِ الَّذي جاءَ للغسلِ
23. All this in a fraction of time,
A dive, marriage and return without travelogue tale,
٢٣. وَذا كُلُّهُ قَد كانَ في بَعضِ ساعَةٍ
غِطاسٌ وَتَزويجٌ وَردّ بِلا نَسلِ
24. They name it transcending time just as,
They transcend space without merit or avail,
٢٤. يَسمّونَهُ طَيَّ الزَمانِ كَما
يَكونُ لَهُم طَيُّ المَكانِ بِلا فَضلِ
25. And he walks to sites foretelling what,
Will occur there in name, description and detail,
٢٥. وَيمشي إِلى الأَجداثِ يُخبرُ بِالَّذي
يَكونُ بِها بالاسم وَالوَصفِ وَالشَكلِ
26. And the Prophet's messenger comes to his grave, awoken,
Extolling him in knowledge and avail,
٢٦. وَيَأتي رَسولُ اللَهِ مِلقَبرِ يَقظَةً
إِلَيهِ فَيُثنى بِالمعارِفِ وَالفَضلِ
27. And the secret flows to him from his shaykh's tomb,
Secrets churn in his heart and boil,
٢٧. وَيَسري إِلَيهِ السِرُّ مِن قَبرِ شَيخِهِ
فَتَضطَربُ الأَسرارُ في قَلبهِ تَغلي
28. And he recites in an instant verses thousand,
Articulating them slowly letter by letter trail,
٢٨. وَيقرأُ في آنٍ لَهُ أَلفَ خَتمَةٍ
تُرَتِّلُها حَرفاً فَحَرفاً عَلى مَهلِ
29. And he puts water in a jug for drinking,
Lo it becomes oil for lamp and food without fail,
٢٩. وَيَجعلُ في الإِبريقِ ماءً لِشُربِهِ
إِذا هُوَ زَيتٌ للسَراجِ وَللأَكلِ
30. His mill stone turns if he wants to grind his grain,
Without a donkey or mule that turn by the tail,
٣٠. تَدورُ رَحاهُ إِن يُرِد طَحنَ بُرِّهِ
بِغَيرِ مُديرٍ لا حِمارٍ وَلا بغلِ
31. And a blind man sees the orbits clearly awake,
Beholding their types constantly without veil,
٣١. وَأَعمى يَرى الأَفلاكَ في يَقظَةٍ لَهُ
مُعاينة أَجناسها أَبداً يُملي
32. This is lead and this brass and this,
Is iron and this rare solid steel,
٣٢. فَهذي رَصاصٌ ذي نَحاس وَهَذِهِ
لُجينٌ وَهَذي عَسجدٌ نادرُ المِثلِ
33. And this a gem and here an emerald,
From its light the sun gleams and beams reveal,
٣٣. وَذي جَوهرٌ هَذي زُمُرُّدَةٌ وَها
ذِ ياقوتةٌ مِن نُورها الشَمسُ تَستَجلي
34. And the Ascension is in Egypt like Joseph's ascent,
Rising to the seven spheres to prevail,
٣٤. وَفي الأقصر المِعراجُ مِعراجُ يوسُفٍ
فَيصعدُ للسَبعِ الطِباقِ وَيَستَخلي
35. Needing no Gabriel or steed Buraq,
Rather drawing the bow fast to assail,
٣٥. وَلَيسَ بِمُحتاجٍ لِجبريلَ لا وَلا
براقَ وَلَكن رَميةُ القَوسِ بِالنبلِ
36. Therein women and boys stay seasons,
Singing, dancing, in drink and food and table,
٣٦. يُقيم بِها النسوانُ وَالمُردُ أَزمُناً
غِناءٌ وَرَقصٌ في شَراب وَفي أَكلِ
37. One exposes his den not praying, another
Atop his roof his banner near to trail,
٣٧. وَمَكشوف جُحرٍ لا يُصلّي واخر
عَلى السَطحِ بادٍ أَيرُه كادَ أَن يُدلي
38. The forbidden visit them thinking them saints,
And saints, treating them best in their travail,
٣٨. يَزورُهما أَهلُ النُهى حَسبُوهما
وَلِيَّينِ فَاختَصّوهُما أَحسن الفِعلِ
39. When Den Exposer died the chiefs walked,
To his procession, dignitaries in veil,
٣٩. وَلَما قَضى مَكشوفُ جُحرٍ سَعى إِلى
جَنازتِهِ مَشياً ذوو العَقدِ وَالحلِّ
40. Throwing scarves on his bier, wiping,
Faces with them, faces of ignorance frail,
٤٠. عَلى النَعشِ يَرمونَ المَناديلَ ماسِحِي
وجوهٍ بِها شاهَت وَجوهُ ذَوي الجَهلِ
41. When Rooftop Man died, shaykhs stood,
Praying for him atop roofs climbing and scale,
٤١. وَلَما قَضى ذو السَطحِ قامَ مَشايخٌ
بِدَعوتِهِ فَوقَ السُطوحِ فَيَستَعلِي
42. A singer appears like the full moon displaying,
What faith where split lips lewdness entail,
٤٢. وَغَيداءَ مثلُ البَدرِ تُبدي دِيانَةً
وَأَنّى يُرى دينٌ لِمشقوقة القُبلِ
43. Gabriel dyes her palm with henna,
Filling the house from it with man unveiled,
٤٣. فَيصبغُ بِالحِناءِ جبريلُ كَفَّها
فَيُصبحُ مِنها البَيتُ مَلآنَ بِالرجلِ
44. They visit her in droves and crowds and her palm,
Is kissed and clasped in utmost indignity and derail,
٤٤. يَزورُونَها فَوجاً فَفَوجا وَكَفُّها
مِن الجَسِّ وَالتقبيلِ في أَعظمِ السَفلِ
45. They shower her with wealth abundantly till she,
Yearns for a cot and pines for a cell,
٤٥. أَفاضوا عَلَيها المالَ سَكباً فَأصبَحَت
تَحِنُّ إِلى خِدنٍ وَتَرنو إِلى خِلِّ
46. Then she flees and they know not where,
Like a deer fled the snare of ropes that entail,
٤٦. وَفَرَّت فَلا يَدرونَ أَينَ تَوجهت
فِرار غَزالٍ خافَ مِن وَرطَة الحَبلِ
47. What a eunuch played with by one with cleaver,
Inciting a brother of ignorance and travail,
٤٧. فَيا لَكَ مِن ذي خِصيةٍ قَد تَلعَّبت
بِهِ ذاتُ شَفرين اِستَفزَّت أَخا جَهلِ
48. And how many the people were toyed by in the pasture of passion,
By red cheeked and wide eyed gazelle,
٤٨. وَكَم لَعِبَت بِالقَومِ في مَشرَع الهَوى
ذَواتُ الخُدود الحُمرِ وَالأَعينِ النُجلِ
49. Riffraff rabble following every babbler,
Vile hearts devoid of piety and intellect frail.
٤٩. طَغامٌ رُعاعٌ تابَعوا كُلَّ ناعِق
جُسُومٌ بِلا حِسٍّ قُلوبٌ بِلا عَقلِ