
I recalled a kiss to a palm's fingertips,

تذكرت تقبيلا لأنمل راحة

1. I recalled a kiss to a palm's fingertips,
With her palm the wounds of misfortunes may be consoled,

١. تَذكَرتُ تَقبيلاً لأَنمُل راحَةٍ
بِراحَتِها جُرحُ النَوائبِ قَد يُوسى

2. So I sent my lips in place of my mouth to her,
How beautiful were my lips that touched her!

٢. فَأَرسَلتُ طُرسِي نائِباً عَن فَمي لَها
فَيا حُسنَهُ طُرساً بِها صارَ مَلموسا

3. Fingertips were not created for anything but virtues,
So how much bliss they brought and how many kisses they took away.

٣. أَناملُ لَم تُخلَق لِغَيرِ مَكارِمٍ
فَكَم جَلَبت نُعمى وَكَم أَذهَبت بُوسا

4. When will days allow the journey,
That shows me an abode filled with virtues,

٤. مَتى تَسمحُ الأَيامُ بِالرِحلةِ الَّتي
تُرينيَ رَبعاً بِالمَكارمِ مَأنوسا

5. And witness a pole of leadership revolving,
With it the orbit of the exalted with luck protected.

٥. وَتَشهدُ قُطباً لِلسيادَةِ دائراً
بِهِ فلكُ العَلياءِ بالسَعدِ مَحروسا

6. A generous one if the estrangement of resolve,
Inclined to him in wellbeing, immersed in generosity he became.

٦. كَريمٌ إِذا ما طَوَّحت غُربةُ النَوى
إِلَيهِ بِعافٍ صارَ في الجودِ مَغموسا

7. If hands are blackened with stinginess that disgraces them,
How many a white hand did Moses stretch out generously!

٧. إِذا اِسوَدَّت الأَيدي لِبُخلٍ يُشينُها
فَكم مِن يَدٍ بَيضاءَ جادَ بِها مُوسى