
My heart in pieces torn asunder lies,

ما لقلبي مقسم الأفكار

1. My heart in pieces torn asunder lies,
As if with fiery embers 'twere filled inside,

١. ما لِقَلبي مُقَسَّم الأَفكارِ
وَكَأن قَد حُشِيَ بِجَمرَةِ نارِ

2. Misfortunes from time have sorely tried me,
My patience sweet, no more their weight can abide.

٢. قَد دَهَتني مِن الزَمانِ خُطوبٌ
ضاقَ عَن حَملِها جَميلُ اِصطِباري

3. My eyes do weep for the loss of the vivants,
My darling and the blossoms, neighbors beside,

٣. دَمعُ عَيني لِفَقدِ حَيّانَ وَحَيّا
نَ وَحيّانَ وَالنُضارَينِ جارِ

4. Did she draw from the clouds her lively spirit,
Or the seas teaming, her thirsting soul provide?

٤. أَتُراها مِن الغَمامِ اِستمِدَّت
أَو أُمِدَّت مِن زاخِراتِ البِحارِ

5. Five lit homes with their presence so graceful,
Now under darkness of stone slabs they bide,

٥. خَمسَةٌ تُشرِقُ المَنازِلُ مِنهُم
أُدرِجوا تَحتَ ظُلمةِ الأَحجارِ

6. She delighted in Qur'an and grammar and script,
Excelling in this over all virgins bride,

٦. شَغِفَت بِالقُرآنِ وَالنَحوِ وَالخَطِّ
وَفاقَت بِهِ جَميع العذارِ

7. In hadith tradition she showed careful heed,
What she heard and wrote, a treasure inside,

٧. وَاعتَنَت بِالحَديثِ سَمعاً وَكَتباً
فَرَوَت جُملةً مِن الآثارِ

8. Al-Darimi's collection and Abd's compilation,
And the two Saheehs, of Bukhari and Muslim's guide,

٨. مُسند الدارِمي وَمُسنَدَ عَبدٍ
وَالصَحيحينِ مُسلِماً وَالبُخاري

9. Al-Nasa'i's and Al-Tabarani's collection,
And half of the assemblage of seniors prized,

٩. وَالنِسائي وَمُعجمَ الطَبَراني
ثَم نصفا مِلمُعجمِ الكُبّارِ

10. A pilgrimage she made to Mecca's cradle,
Hearing there many hadiths from sheikhs wise,

١٠. وَلها رِحلَةٌ لِمَكَّةَ فيها
سَمِعَت مِن شُيوخِنا الأَبرارِ

11. Forty she recounted from another forty masters,
Whose chains she scrutinized and verified,

١١. خَرَّجَت أَربَعينَ عَن أَربَعينَ اك
تَتَبَتها عَن سادَةٍ أَحبارِ

12. As she neared her death, she granted us license,
A group of the young in Knowledge specialized,

١٢. وَهيَ في سُقمِ مَوتِها أَسمَعَتنا
وَأَجازَت جَمعاً مِن الخضّارِ

13. Then she passed, her time appointed elapsed,
With good praise and memories sweet memorialized,

١٣. ثُمَ راحَت لَمّا قَضى اللَهُ فيها
بِثَناءٍ وَطَيِّب التَذكارِ

14. After she left, I sorely felt her absence,
Umm Hayyan, the best of the righteous and wise,

١٤. وَدَهاني مِن بَعدِ ذَلِكَ فَقدِي
أُمَّ حَيّانَ خِيرَةَ الأَخيارِ

15. My solace she was in my lonely brooding,
In my sleep and waking, travels and demise,

١٥. كانَت أُنسِي في وَحدَتي وَاغتِرابي
وَمَنامي وَيَقظَتي وَسِفاري

16. My companion on trips, halts and journey far,
My partner in Hajj and Umrah likewise,

١٦. وَنَديمي في رِحلَتي وَمُقامي
وَزَميلي في حُجَّتي وَاعتِماري

17. I hoped she would linger and remain,
When I was ill, she would tend and advise,

١٧. كُنتُ أَرجو بِأَن تَعيشَ وَتَبقى
حينَ سُقمي تَدورُ بِي وَتُداري

18. No mere wife was she, but like a mother,
While I was as her child, so small in size,

١٨. لَم تَكُن زَوجَةً وَلَكن كَأُمٍ
وَأَنا كَابنِها صَغيرُ الصِغارِ

19. My soul found rest tucked 'tween her sides,
And my life like a borrowed robe comprised,

١٩. كانَت الروحَ بَينَ جَنبيَّ راحَت
فَحَياتي صارَت كَثَوب مُعارِ

20. She prayed to God for a swift death soon,
While I enjoyed glory, grace and disguise,

٢٠. دَعَت اللَهَ أَن تَموتَ سَريعاً
في حَياتي في عِزَّةٍ وَاستِتارِ

21. So the Lord answered her prayerful wish,
And she met her death, to the home of allies,

٢١. فَأَجابَ الإِلهُ مِنها دُعاءً
وقَضَت نَحبَها لِدارِ القَرارِ

22. May God water her grave without ceasing,
And grace it with goodness that never dries.

٢٢. فَسَقى اللَهُ قَبرَها غَيرَ عاثٍ
وَحَباها بِدِيمَةٍ مِدرارِ