
My body lies confined within the grave

إن جسمي مقيد بالضريح

1. My body lies confined within the grave
While my heart stands still with shock and grief

١. إِنَّ جِسمي مُقَيَّدٌ بِالضَريحِ
وَفُؤادِي وَقفٌ عَلى التَبريحِ

2. And my eyes, whenever you are recalled
Stream with the blood of a wounded heart

٢. وَلِعَيني إِذا ذَكَرتُ نُضاراً
مردٌ مِن دِماءِ قَلب جَريحِ

3. One feast has passed and then another, grand
While you lie under earth and tile

٣. راحَ عيدٌ وَبعدُ عيدٌ كَبيرٌ
وَنضارٌ تَحتَ الثَرى وَالصَفيحِ

4. In neither do I see the lovely face of al-Nadirah
Oh, how I long for that graceful, beautiful face

٤. لا أَرى فيهِما وَجيهَ نُضارٍ
يا لَشَوقي لِذا الوَجيهِ المَليحِ

5. al-Nadirah who was my companion and love
al-Nadirah who was my life and soul

٥. وَنُضارٌ كانَت أَنيسي وَحُبّي
وَنضارٌ كانَت حَياتي وَروحي

6. al-Nadirah who left my heart heavy
With a sadness that will not dispel until I join you in the grave

٦. وَنُضارٌ أَبقَت بِقَلبي حُزنا
لَيسَ يَنفَكُّ أَو أُوافِي ضَريحي

7. Never was there anyone like al-Nadirah
In her intelligence, wisdom and eloquence

٧. لَم يَكُن لِلنضارِ يَوماً نَظيرٌ
في ذَكاءٍ لَها وَعَقلٍ رَجيحِ

8. Her shyness, her excellent manners and handwriting
Unique, rare, and lucid speech

٨. وَحَياءٍ وَحُسنِ مَلقىً وَخطٍ
بارِعٍ نادِرٍ وَلَفظٍ فَصيحِ

9. She studied jurisprudence, grammar
And the true hadiths about the Prophet

٩. نَظَرت في العُلومِ فقهٍ وَنَحوٍ
وَحَديثٍ عَن الرَسولِ صَحيحِ

10. And how she examined the histories of people
Gaining the wisdom of the sincere adviser

١٠. وَلَكَم طالَعَت تَواريخَ ناسٍ
فَاستَفادَت عقلَ الحَكيمِ النَصيحِ

11. al-Nadirah has passed away and gone
But she is remembered with sincere praise

١١. قَد قَضَت نَحبَها نُضارُ وَراحَت
وَلَها الذكرُ بِالثَناءِ الصَريحِ

12. She is recorded by the transmitters of the Master of Mankind
So excellent is the memory and eulogy of her

١٢. سُطِرَت في الرُواةِ عَن سَيِّدِ الخَلقِ
فَيا طِيبَ ذِكرِها وَالمَديحِ

13. If she has gone ahead while we remain
For a while in our turbulent time

١٣. إِن تَكُن قَد تَقدَّمَت وَبَقينا
بُرهَةً في زَمانِنا المَسفوحِ

14. We will follow in her path, hoping
For the Lord's forgiveness and clemency

١٤. فَعَلى إِثرِها نَروحُ وَنَرجُو
عَفوَ رَبٍّ عَن الذُنوبِ صَفوحِ