1. Your youth is kindled by the camphor white,
Yet you while time with idle jest and slight.
١. مُسوَدُّ فَودِكَ بِالمبيضِّ مُشتعِل
وَأَنتَ بِالهزل وَقتَ الجدِّ مُشتغِلُ
2. Have you not learned that every deed and word
Brings sorrow, failure, evil in its train?
٢. أَما اتَّعظتَ بِفِعلٍ كُله خَطأٌ
أَلا اِمتَعَظتَ لقَولٍ كُلّه خَطَلُ
3. You've passed threescore; opportunity
No more is yours mistakes of youth to right.
٣. ناهَزتَ ستِّينَ عاماً ما اِنتَهَزت إِلى
رُجعاكَ مِن فُرصَةٍ يُمحى بِها الزَلَلُ
4. Your erring foot has led you far astray,
From virtue's path it turns you left and right.
٤. زَلَّت بِكَ القدمُ الخَسرى وَزالَ بِها
عَنِ الهُدى قَدَم بِالضدِّ يَتَّصِلُ
5. Headlong you hasten on through sin's dark night,
Restraining fear and shame have lost their might.
٥. فَأَنتَ تُسرِعُ قُدماً في الضَلال وَما
يَرُدُّك الوازِعانِ الخَوفُ وَالخَجَلُ
6. Hard grown are hearts that warning cannot move,
And eyes are dry on which tears have no bite.
٦. قَسَت قُلوبٌ فَلا ذِكرى تُلَيِّنُها
جَفَّت جُفونٌ فَما للحُزنِ تَنهَمِلُ
7. Men's fellowship is poison; your soul's health
Demands you dwell remote from human blight.
٧. إِنَّ السَلامَةَ في تَركِ الأَنامِ هُمُ
كَالسُمِّ كُل أَديمٍ حَلَّ يِنتَغِلُ
8. Though single, safe your faith, mix with mankind,
And doubts and evil on your soul alight.
٨. يَصِحُّ دينُكَ إِذ ما كُنتَ منفرِداً
عَنهُم وَإِن تَرَهُم دَبَّت لَهُ العِلَلُ
9. Pity my heart! How chide it though I may,
It hears no counsel, heeds not what is right.
٩. وَا رَحمَتا لِفُؤادي كَم أَعنِّفُهُ
فَلَيسَ يَردعُهُ قَولٌ وَلا عَمَلُ
10. Long years have passed; it turns from wisdom's voice
And leans toward the follies of its flight.
١٠. مَرَّت عَلَيهِ دُهورٌ لا يَصيخُ إِلى
داعي الهُدى وَلَهُ نَحوَ الصَبا مَيَلُ