1. I was informed that your suffering has increased, my master
So my weakness has grown and my patience diminished
١. وَنُبِّئتُ أَن قَد زادَ ما بِكَ سَيِّدي
فَضعفيَ قَد أَربى وَصَبريَ ناقِصُ
2. Why wouldn't a soul incline towards you?
Your righteousness suffices me and your love is pure
٢. وَلِم لا وَلي نَفسٌ إِليك نُزوعها
وَبِرُّكَ لي وافٍ وِودُّكَ خالِصُ
3. I was raised in the meadows of knowledge, a flourishing branch
With neither fading blossoms nor scarce shade
٣. نَشَأت برَوضِ العِلم وَالغُصنُ دَوحَةٌ
وَلا زَهرها ذاوٍ وَلا الظِلُّ قالِصُ
4. A virtuous soul not tainted by vileness
And the traits of a free man unmarred by defects
٤. فَضيلة نَفسٍ لَم تَشنها رَذالة
وَشيمة حُرٍّ لَم تَشُبها النَقائصُ
5. When the sublime manifest, you hasten
Towards them, though the lowly recede
٥. إِذا لاحَت العَلياءُ كُنتَ مُبادِراً
إِلَيها وَإِن تَبدُ الدَنايا فَناكِصُ
6. Your peers wasted the prime of their lives
While you strove for knowledge and learning
٦. فَدَتكَ لِداتٌ ضَيَّعُوا شَرخ عمرهم
وَأَنتَ عَلى نَيلِ المَعارِفِ حارِصُ
7. When they searched for fleeting pleasures
You delved deep into your knowledge
٧. إِذا فَحَصُوا عَن نَيل لذاتٍ اِنقَضَت
فَإِنَّك عَن تَدقيقِ عِلمِكَ فاحِصُ
8. And when they busied themselves with sport and delight
You pursued solutions to problems
٨. وَإِن شُغِلُوا يَوماً بِصَيدٍ وَلَذَّةٍ
فَأَنتَ لشُرادِ المسائِلِ قانِصُ
9. In attributing light, the most truthful witness
Of a pure element, are the precise scales
٩. وَفي نسبةٍ لِلنورِ أَصدَقُ شاهِدٍ
عَلى عنصرٍ زاكٍ عَدَتهُ القَوارِصُ
10. So may the lights continue shining forever
While you plunge into the sea of misery
١٠. فَلا زالَتِ الأَنوارُ تُشرِقُ دائِماً
وَشانيكَ في بَحرِ الشَقاوَةِ غائِصُ