
The virtues were collected for me after splendor

جمعت لي الخيرات بعد شعاع

1. The virtues were collected for me after splendor
When you called me towards your bounty, supplicant

١. جُمِعَت ليَ الخَيراتُ بَعدَ شَعاعِ
لَمّا دَعاني نَحوَ فَضلِكَ داعِ

2. And I became proud when I crawled, kissing
A foot for it in good - what hearing!

٢. وَفَخَرتُ لَمّا أَن خَرَرتُ مُقبِّلا
رِجلاً لَها في الخَيرِ أَيّ مَساعِ

3. I saw him and heard the excellence of his speech
O good looks and pleasant hearing

٣. شاهَدتُهُ وَسَمِعتُ فَضلَ خطابِه
يا حسنَ منظرٍ وَطيبَ سَماعِ

4. Revived Abu Hayyan, spreader of his good news
And endowed with cordiality and enjoyment

٤. أَحيا أَبا حَيّان ناشِرُ بِشرِهِ
وَحَباهُ بِالإِيناسِ وَالامتاعِ

5. So with the love of Sadr al-Din I professed
To God in my slowness and haste

٥. فَبِحُبِّ صَدرِ الدينِ دِنتُ تَقَرُّباً
لِلّهِ في رَيثي وَفي إِسراعي

6. He is unique in knowledge, a string that has no
Other, and in benevolence one of intercession

٦. هُوَ أَوحَدٌ في العلمِ وِترٌ ما لَهُ
ثانٍ وَفي الإِحسانِ ذو إِشفاعِ

7. With an angelic ambition, an angelic trait
For good in it the incentives

٧. ذو هِمَّةٍ مَلَكِيَّةٍ ذو شيمَةٍ
مَلَكية للخَيرِ فيهِ دَواعِ

8. And if he stays in a house, it becomes
The shelter of the stranger and the goal of greed

٨. وَإِذا يَحُلُّ بِمَنزِلٍ أَضحى بِهِ
مَأوى الغَريبِ وَمَطمَحُ الأَطماعِ

9. And if he travels, wounded, he leaves behind
Light for the walker or food for the hungry

٩. وَإِذا ترحَّلَ طاعِناً أَبقى بِهِ
نوراً لِسارٍ أَو قِرىً لِجياعِ

10. And the corners of the earth, from his breaths
A meadow that glows with scent in every region

١٠. وَبمَعطَسِ الأَرجاءِ مِن نَفَحاتِهِ
أَرجٌ يَضوعُ شَذاً بِكُلِّ بِقاعِ

11. Verily, the imamate in all sciences
Is proven for him by default and consensus

١١. إِنَّ الإِمامَةَ في العُلومِ جَميعِها
ثَبتَت لَهُ بِالنَقصِ وَالإِجماعِ

12. Verily, the sciences are gardens except that they
Are moths and you are their first herdsman

١٢. إِنَّ العُلومَ رِياض إِلا أَنَّها
أنفٌ وَأَنتَ لَهُنَّ أَولُّ راعِ

13. Kindling if the mind is extinguished
Vigilant, and the thought of glory accustomed to sleeplessness

١٣. مُتَوَقِّدٌ إِن كانَ ذهنٌ خامِداً
يَقِظٌ وَفِكرُ الشَهمِ ذو تَهجاعِ

14. Minds halt in sorrow before what
You grasped, and they quarrel over that

١٤. تَتَوقَّفُ الأَفهامُ حَسرى دونَ ما
أَدرَكتَ فَهيَ لِذاكَ ذات نِزاعِ

15. Until when you give them what escaped them
They see how the breath in perceptions

١٥. حَتّى إِذا تُلقي لَها ما فاتَها
أَبصَرت كَيفَ النَفثُ في الأَرواعِ

16. I did not know, despite my branching knowledge
That skill lies in the prime of youth

١٦. ما كُنتُ أَدري مَع تَشَعُّبِ دِريَتي
إِنّ البَراعة في شَباةِ يَراعِ

17. Until I saw its fingers with its youth
Reveal eloquence, diverse in forms

١٧. حَتّى رَأَيتُ بَنانَه بِيرَاعهِ
يبدي البيانَ مُوَشَّعَ الأَوضاعِ

18. And walk with a soul above the Pleiades in attire
So the sun of the year shows splendor

١٨. وَيَشي بِنَفسٍ فَوقَ طُرسٍ حُلَّةً
فَتَلوحُ شَمسُ العامِ ذاتَ شعاعِ

19. Words of lawful magic, composed
Toying with minds and hearings

١٩. كلَمٌ مِن السِحرِ الحَلالِ تَأَلَّفَت
يَعبَثنَ بِالأَلبابِ وَالأَسماعِ

20. For you clothed me in the cold of pride, lined
Sana'a became, by it, other than makers

٢٠. لكَسَوتَني بُردَ الفَخارِ مُفَوَّفاً
أَضحَت بِهِ صَنعاءُ غَيرَ صَناعِ

21. So I dragged it vainly as if I were Tubba
In Himyar, possession and obedience

٢١. فَسحِبتُهُ زَهواً كَأَنّي تُبَّعٌ
في حِميرٍ ذو المُلكِ وَالتُبّاعِ

22. You brought me out of concealment as if I were
Dawn appearing or an ember flaming

٢٢. أَظهَرتَني بَعدَ الخَفاءِ كَأَنَّني
صُبحٌ بَدا أَو جَذوةٌ بِيَفاعِ

23. It suffices me glory among people and leadership
That I am among the youths and followers

٢٣. حَسبي عُلىً بَينَ الأَنامِ وَسُؤدُداً
أَني مِن الغِلمانِ وَالأَتباعِ