1. Time allowed a friendly beloved
We were blessed with new companionship
١. سَمح الدَهرُ بِالحَبيبِ الودودِ
فَحَظينا مِنهُ بِأُنسٍ جَديدِ
2. A night brought us together, which to me
Was a night illuminated by the full moon's glory
٢. جَمَعتنا لُيَيلَةٌ هِيَ عِندي
لَيلَةٌ أَشرَقَت بِبَدرِ السُعودِ
3. Candles were lit, lamps ignited in it
The light of smile's beauty appeared
٣. أُوقدَ الشَمعُ وَالمَصابيحُ فيها
وَتبدّى نورُ المحيا السَعيدِ
4. The difference between fire and light became
Clear and evident to a wise mind
٤. وَبَدا الفَرقُ بَينَ نارٍ وَنورٍ
واضحاً لائِحاً لعقلٍ سَديدِ
5. That fire ends in extinction
While my beloved's light forever grows
٥. تِلكَ نارٌ مآلها لانطفاءٍ
وَحَبيبي أَنوارُهُ في مَزيدِ
6. Two unjust ones came between me and him
We had to make do with seeing from afar
٦. حالَ بَيني وَبَينَهُ اِثنان ظُلماً
فَقَنِعنا بِرُؤيةٍ مِن بَعيدِ
7. I pondered how to get closer, as if
An experienced alchemist in India
٧. أعمِلُ الفِكرَ في اِقترابٍ كَأَني
بَرهَمِيٌّ مجرّبٌ في الهنودِ
8. When the two obstacles left and we
Became intimate again in lasting union
٨. فَإِذا الحاجِزانِ راحا وصرنا
مِن قَريب في أُنسِ وَصلٍ مَديدِ
9. I witness the intimacy of a gentle gazelle
And see death in the frowns of the gloomy
٩. أشهدُ الأنسَ مِن غَزالٍ رَبيبٍ
وَأَرى المَوت في مَحاجرِ سودِ
10. I observe the full moon facing me
And speak to it secure from rejection
١٠. أَلحظُ البدرَ وَهوَ نُصبُ عِياني
وَأُناجيهِ آمِنا مِن صدودِ
11. Words then fell from the pearl
That if embodied would be necklaces
١١. فَإِذا الدُرُّ ما تَساقَط لَفظاً
لَو تجسَّدنَ كُنَّ عِقدَ الجيدِ
12. And magic lay in eyes that have slain
Many meanings and left them martyred
١٢. وَإِذا السحرُ كامِناً في عُيونٍ
كَم مُعنّى بِها قَتيلٍ شَهيدِ