
He breathed in the scent of the one he loved, and his aroma spread,

تنفس من أهوى فأرج عرفه

1. He breathed in the scent of the one he loved, and his aroma spread,
As though the purest musk was exhaled from his mouth.

١. تَنَفَّسَ من أَهوى فأرَّجَ عَرفُهُ
كَأَنَّ سَحيقَ المِسكِ مِن فيهِ ينفَحُ

2. So it kindled in my heart a fire of passion, which
Spread from it to my limbs, warming and enflaming them.

٢. فَشَبَّ بِقَلبي نار وَجدٍ وَإِنَّها
سَرَت مِنهُ لِلأَعضاءِ تَذكى وَتلفَحُ

3. A love the like of which I never loved swelled ever more,
Until my very bones toss in a fire, and my eyes stream tears.

٣. هَوىً ما هَوى قَد زادَ حَتّى جَوانِحي
تَقَلَّبُ في نار وَعَينِيَ تَسفحُ

4. And when the aroma began to subside, cooling my fervor,
It only stoked the flames in my heart and made them surge.

٤. وَخِلت اِنتِشاقَ العَرفِ يُبرِدُ غُلَّتي
فَزادَت بِهِ ناراً عَلى القَلبِ تَطفَحُ

5. I examined the moons of creation and their beauty,
But found my beloved surpassed all those I surveyed.

٥. تَصَفَّحتُ أَقمارَ الوَرى وَمِلاحَهُم
فَكانَ حَبيبي فَوقَ مَن أَتَصفَّحُ

6. In intelligence, it's as though fire itself ignited from him,
Grasping hidden truths, illuminating and explaining.

٦. ذَكاءً كَأَنَّ النارَ مِنهُ تَوَقَّدَت
فَيُدرِكُ مَخفيَّ الأُمورِ وَيَشرَحُ

7. In beauty, it's as though the sun made its home in his cheeks,
Abiding there every dusk and dawn.

٧. وَحُسنٌ كَأَنَّ الشَمسَ في وَجَناتِهِ
أَقامَت لَها مُمسىً عَلَيها وَمُصبَحُ

8. An excess of modesty in the shyness of a bashful one
Who nearly wounds with his glances out of self-effacement.

٨. وَفَرطُ حَياءٍ في خَفارة حييٍّ
يَكادُ للاستحياءِ بِاللَحظِ يجرحُ

9. He was handsome before his beard sprouted,
But now that it has, he's more striking and resplendent.

٩. وَكانَ مَليحاً قَبلَ نَبتِ عِذارِهِ
فَها هُوَ أَضحى وَهوَ بِالنَبتِ أَملَحُ

10. My heart ponders his meaning in secret,
While my eyes openly stare, catching glimpses of him.

١٠. لِقَلبي في مَعناهُ سِرّاً تفكر
وَللعينِ في مرآهُ جَهراً تلمحُ

11. And I'm filled with awe by his tremendous image,
Rendering my tongue mute with all I could utter.

١١. وَتَأخُذُني مِن عظمِ رُؤياه هَيبَةٌ
فَيعيى لِساني بِالَّذي أَنا أفصحُ