1. You were shaken and the generous one has a shaking,
And one like you who approves and is not approved,
١. أَهزَّكَ وَالكَريمُ لَهُ اهتِزازُ
وَمثلُكَ مَن يُجيزُ وَلا يُجازُ
2. Support the religion, do not neglect a lover,
With you it has elevation and pride,
٢. أَعِزَّ الدينِ لا تُهمِل مُحِبّاً
لَهُ بِكُمُ اِعتِلاءٌ وَاعتِزازُ
3. And your origin in generosity, what origin is it?
All generosity is approved for it,
٣. وَأَصلُكَ في المَكارِمِ أَيُّ أَصلٍ
جَميعُ المَكرُمات لَهُ تُجازُ
4. And you are its fresh branch, original in roots,
When a origin is fresh, generosity is harvested,
٤. وَإِنَّكَ فَرعُهُ الزاكي أُصولاً
إِذا أَصلٌ ذكا كَرُمَ النِحازُ
5. You have clothed the pious in robes of honor,
Embroidered by the sequence of your generosity,
٥. كَسَوتَ المُتَقينَ ثِيابَ عِزٍّ
لَها مِن رَقمِ جودِكُمُ طِرازُ
6. And you have influenced the most noble with all good,
So for you, the most high, has inclination,
٦. وَأَثَّرتَ الأَثيرَ بِكُلِّ خَيرٍ
فَصارَ لَهُ لعلياكَ انحيازُ
7. The talk of generosity from your ancestors is told,
Its reality while others are metaphorical,
٧. حَديثُ الجودِ عَن جَدواكَ تروى
حَقيقَتُهُ وَغَيرُكُمُ مَجازُ
8. So there is no flag of glory except,
It is anchored in the courtyard of your house,
٨. فَما مِن رايَةٍ لِلمَجدِ إِلا
لَها بِفَناءِ مَنزِلكَ اِرتِكازُ
9. And there is no opportunity for good except,
It has from the generosity of your generosity, utilization,
٩. وَما مِن فُرصَةٍ في الخَيرِ إِلا
لَها مِن جودِ جُودِكُمُ انتِهازُ
10. So God has maintained it the delight of an eye,
For you, it has protection and preservation.
١٠. فَأَبقاه الإِلهُ قَريرَ عَينٍ
عَليكَ لَهُ اِحتراسٌ وَاحتِرازُ