
O youth that has come to me at the end of life

يا صبوة قد أتتني آخر العمر

1. O youth that has come to me at the end of life
Reminding my heart of what was in childhood

١. يا صَبوة قَد أَتَتني آخر العُمُرِ
تَذكر القَلب ما قَد كانَ في الصِغَرِ

2. I was burdened with a debt that stripped me
Allowing me to pluck fresh, blooming, verdant roses

٢. إِني كَلفت بِريم قَد تَقنصني
إشراك مقلته

3. And to sip sweet, fragrant, aromatic nectar
Oh, his beauty and the scent of comfort in his mouth

٣. أَباحَ لي قَطفَ وَردٍ يانِعٍ نَضِرٍ
وَرَشف شهدٍ شَهيّ عاطرٍ خَصِرِ

4. Like musk sprinkled on pure pearls
And how wonderful the down on his cheeks showed

٤. يا حُسنَه وَأَريجَ الراح في فَمه
كَالمسك ذُرَّ عَلى صافٍ مِن الدُرَرِ

5. It is the fence around a garden of flowers
A rose that doubles its love twofold

٥. وَحَبَّذا زَغَبٌ في وَجنَتَيهِ بَدا
هُوَ السياجُ عَلى رَوضٍ مِن الزَهَرِ

6. And a narcissus adorned with pendulous blossoms
In it is a subtle meaning that can only be grasped

٦. وَرد يُضاعف حبيه مُضاعَفة
وَنَرجس زين بالتذييل وَالحوَرِ

7. By one who values intellect over superficiality
An affinity was confirmed between our souls

٧. وَفيهِ مَعنى لَطيف لَيسَ يُدركه
إِلا فَتى مُؤثر للعقل لا الصُوَرِ

8. Thus we agreed on roses and on breasts
And in the embrace of our bodies you would see a wonder

٨. تَوكَّدَت بَينَ روحينا مُناسَبَةٌ
لِذَلِكَ اِتَفَقا في الوِرد وَالصَدَرِ

9. Two, who to the observant eye, appeared as one
With him I had no need for any singing girl

٩. وَفي تَعانُق جسمينا تَرى عَجَباً
إِثنان قَد ظَهَرا فَرداً لِذي النَظَرِ

10. For he who beholds the spring has no use for footsteps

١٠. وَقَد غنيت بِهِ عَن كُل غانِيَةٍ
مَن أَدرَك العَين لا يَعتَدُّ بِالأثَرِ