
My excuse from the people of Egypt, for I

عذيري من بني مصر فإني

1. My excuse from the people of Egypt, for I
Enriched them with knowledge, yet no pride

١. عَذيري مِن بَني مِصرٍ فَإِنّي
أَفَدتُهُمُ العُلومَ وَلا فَخارُ

2. I stayed in their country for sixty years
But no true friend emerged by my side

٢. أَقَمتُ بِمِصرِهِم سِتِينَ عاماً
فَلَم يخلص لِيَ فيهِنَّ جارُ

3. I parted from people and they parted from me
So here I am, no longer sharing their plight

٣. وَفارَقتُ الأَنامَ وَفارَقوني
فَها أَنا لا أَزورُ وَلا أُزارُ

4. If they die, I shall not grieve over them
If I die, the best of men have lost their light

٤. فَإِن ماتُوا فَلا أَسَفٌ عَلَيهم
وَإِن مُتنا فَقَد ماتَ الخيارُ