1. A writer, a poet revealed his virtues
Through prose and verse composed with skill
١. وَكاتبٍ شاعرٍ أَبدى بِمُهرَقهِ
نَظماً وَشعراً بِهِ بانَت فَضائِلُهُ
2. I love to kiss the lips speaking pearls
And the palm of a generous giving hand
٢. أَوَدُّ لَثمَ فمٍ بِالدُرِّ مَنطقُهُ
وَلَثمِ كَفٍّ ندٍ بِالدُرِّ نائِلهُ
3. When the mockers refused them little merit
I kissed what his fingers had penned
٣. لَمّا أَبى ساخري مِن قُلةٍ لَهُما
قَبَّلتُ ما سَطَّرت فيهِ أَنامِلُهُ
4. So my mouth and his smile were separated
By a screen denying me my loved one
٤. فَصارَ بَينَ فَمي وَبَينَ مَبسِمِهِ
طرسٌ كَفاني مِن المَحبوبِ وَاصِلُهُ
5. As for me, my body is emaciated and weak
And he whose heart is miserly conceals it
٥. أَمّا أَنا فَسَقيمُ الجسمِ ناحِلُهُ
وَمَن أكتِّم قاسي القَلب باخِلهُ
6. The moon on a branch, the branch on dunes
Dawn tender, beauty embracing it
٦. بَدرٌ عَلى غُصنٍ غُصنٌ عَلى كُثُبٍ
السحرُ كاحِلُهُ وَالحُسنُ شامِلُهُ
7. I know the ugliness of what I say you recognize
You deserted me though it pained the deserter
٧. إِني لقبحِ مقال أَنتَ تَعرِفُهُ
هَجَرتَني وَجَرى بِالهَجرِ قائِلُهُ
8. I grow yellow with heartache, I smolder with rage
As though we are murdered and murderer
٨. أَصفَرُّ مِن فَرَق يَربَدُّ مِن حَنَق
كَأنَّما نَحنُ مَقتولٌ وَقاتِلُهُ
9. He fears scandal regarding his love for me
Beauty disdains to mingle with disgrace
٩. يَخافُ منّي اِفتِضاحاً في مَحبَّتِهِ
وَالزينُ يَأنَفُ مِن شَينٍ يُداخِلُهُ
10. My lips never disclosed my love, so he might recall it
As though the one I loved were unknown to me
١٠. وَما دَرَت شَفتي حُبي فَتذكره
حَتّى كَأني بِمَن أَهواهُ جاهِلُهُ