
Generous, his kindness rivals the sea,

كريم يحاكي البحر جود بنانه

1. Generous, his kindness rivals the sea,
Its honey is sweeter than nectar to the soul.

١. كَريمٌ يُحاكي البَحرَ جودُ بنانِهِ
عَلى أَنَّهُ أَحلى مِن الشَهدِ للنَفسِ

2. The wellspring of manners adorned with its burden,
He nurtures with Suhban, and nurtures the needy.

٢. وَمَنبعُ آدابٍ تَحلّى بِحَملِها
فَيُزري بِسحبان وَيربي عَلى قسِّ

3. His gifts are pearls to every petitioner,
And his words are pearls on pages white.

٣. مَواهِبُهُ دَرٌ عَلى كُلِّ مُعتَفٍ
وَأَلفاظُهُ دُرٌّ عَلى صَفحَةِ الطِرسِ

4. He sees the gift of thousands as paltry, while others
See the far goal when they possess a cent.

٤. يَرى بَذلَ آلافٍ قَليلاً وَغَيرُهُ
يَرى الغايةَ القُصوى إِذا جاءَ بِالفَلسِ