1. What is a five-letter name which if unscrambled
Becomes two verbs, one imperative and one past
١. وَما اسمٌ خُماسيٌّ إِذا ما فَكَكتَه
يَصيرُ لَنا فِعلينِ أَمراً وَماضيا
2. Conversely, it is both whole and parts brought together
By swapping the letter that reached its end
٢. بِعَكس وَهوَ كُلّ وَجزء جَمعه
بإبدالِ عَين حازَ فيهِ التَناهيا
3. And with it being singular and plural, its first
And its last has become hostile to a person
٣. وَمَع كَونِهِ فَرداً وَجَمعاً فَأولٌ
وَآخرهُ أَضحى لشخص مُعادِيا
4. And in its reverse is a sound, so build it into a form
And build with its meaning, though you are no builder
٤. وَفي عَكسِهِ صَوتٌ فَتبنيه صيغةً
وَتَبني بِمَعناه وَما أَنتَ بانيا
5. So much hidden meaning is in it, but rather
I meant by my mention the one not hidden
٥. فَكَم فيهِ مِن مَعنى خفي وَإِنَّما
عنيت بذكري لِلّذي لَيسَ خافيا