
My tongue fell silent, and my tears began to flow,

كتم اللسان ومدمعي قد باحا

1. My tongue fell silent, and my tears began to flow,
Sorrow took up residence within me, and my joy departed.

١. كتم اللسانُ وَمدمعي قَد باحا
وَثَوى الأَسى عِندي وَأنسي راحا

2. Truly I am one who is shackled for as long as passion blooms,
Blooming continuously, while passion exposes me.

٢. إِني لَصَبٌّ طيَّ ما نَشرَ الهَوى
نَشراً وَمازالَ الهَوى فضّاحا

3. The one whose name I do not openly profess
Brings me joy, though indirectly it is made clear.

٣. وَبِمُهجَتي من لا أصَرِّح باسمِه
وَمِن الإِشارة ما يَكون صراحا

4. He desires my love and inclination,
Yet from me he averts his face and turns away.

٤. رِيمٌ أَرومُ حنوَّه وَجُنوحَه
وَيَرومُ عَني جَفوةً وَجِماحا

5. He has shown to us, of his hair and his brow,
Two cheeks, one of night and one of morning.

٥. أَبدى لَنا مِن شَعره وَجَبينه
خَدين ذا لَيلاً وَذا إِصباحا

6. Wondrous is he who brings wellness to bodies with his health,
And with spirits how many wounds has he afflicted.

٦. عَجَباً لَهُ يَأسو الجسومَ بِطبهِ
وَلَكم بِأَرواحٍ أَثارَ جِراحا

7. With his words, the captivated is freed, and with his glances,
The innocent is seized, unable to find respite.

٧. فَبِلَفظِهِ برءُ الأخيذِ وَلَحظهِ
أَخذُ البَريءِ فَما يطيقُ بَراحا

8. I reproached him one night, with no third present
Except his brother the full moon rising radiantly.

٨. نادَمتُه في لَيلَةٍ لا ثالِثٌ
إِلا أَخوه البَدرُ غارَ فَلاحا

9. Oh, that beautiful night! If only it would last
And extend, to allow our union wings.

٩. يا حُسنَها مِن لَيلَةٍ لَو أَنَّها
دامَت وَمَدَّت لِلوِصال جَناحا