
My heart and my words have lost sleep

إن قلبي ومقولي قد أرقا

1. My heart and my words have lost sleep
For the supremely bright, meteoric Ahmad

١. إِنَّ قَلبي وَمِقوَلي قَد أَرَقّا
لِلمُقِرّ الأَسمى الشهابيِّ أَحمَد

2. From my tongue are mentions, mention of prayer
Then mention through which praise is immortalized

٢. مِن لِساني ذكرانِ ذكرُ دُعاءٍ
ثُم ذكرٌ بِهِ الثَناءُ مُخَلَّد

3. And in my heart are two loves, love of disposition
Then love for his generosity that is certain

٣. وَبِقَلبي حُبّانِ حُبُّ طباعٍ
ثُمَ حُبٌّ لِجُودِهِ قَد تَأَكَّد

4. An Abtahi, whose pride is Umar
A Mahyawi, to whom virtues are attributed

٤. أَبطَحِيٌّ فَخارُهُ عُمريٌّ
مَحيَوِيٌ لَهُ المَكارِمُ تُسنَد

5. He is the secret of kings in every matter
So the belts of kingship are fastened to him

٥. هُوَ سِرُّ المُلوكِ في كُلِّ أَمرٍ
فَعَلَيهِ خَناصِرُ المُلكِ تُعقَد

6. Love of him is an obligation on everyone who believes
In God and the Messenger Muhammad

٦. حُبُّهُ وَاجِبٌ عَلى كُلِّ مَن آ
مَنَ بِاللَهِ وَالرَسولِ مُحَمَّد

7. To the son of the grace of God, grace upon us
And the perfection of kindness and return, Ahmad

٧. لابنِ فَضلِ الإِلهِ فَضلٌ عَلينا
وَتَمامُ الإِحسانِ وَالعَودُ أَحمَد