
Count the meadow that has appeared

عد للروضة التي قد تجلت

1. Count the meadow that has appeared
Like a bride dotted by the clouds

١. عَدِّ للرَوضةِ الَّتي قَد تَجَلَّت
كَعَروسٍ وَنقَّطَتها الغُيومُ

2. So wear, O you, from flowers a flower
As if the branches in it are stars

٢. فَاِكتَسى أَيكُها مِن الزَهرِ زُهراً
فَكَأنَّ الغُصونَ فيها النُجُومُ

3. A paradise whose people flow with kindness
Good morals and handsome creation

٣. جَنَّةٌ أَهلُها يَسيلونَ لُطفاً
خُلُقٌ طَيِّبٌ وَخَلقٌ وَسيمُ

4. With cups pursued for drinking companions
Whose mixture is a soft breeze

٤. وَنَدامى يُسعى عَلَيهم بِكَأسٍ
من حُميا مِزاجها تَسنيمُ

5. Drowsy eyed, sleepy with languor
Full hipped, his scruff worn out

٥. ناغِشُ الطَرفِ ناعِسٌ بذبُولٍ
مُفعَمُ الرِدفِ كَشحُهُ مَهضومُ

6. Whenever he turns they kiss him and he blushes
As if he is blamed

٦. كُلَّما دارَ قَبَّلُوهُ فَيحمَر
ر حَياءً كَأنَّهُ مَذمومُ

7. They take turns drinking cups for conviviality
In pavilions in which bliss has descended

٧. يَتَساقَونَ أَكؤُساً للتَصابي
في مَقاصيرَ حَلَّ فيها النَعيمُ

8. The air in it blows fresh morning and evening
For a lover and the breeze sways in it

٨. صَحَّ فيها الهَواءُ مَدّاً وَقَصراً
لِمُحِبٍّ واعتَلَّ فيها النَسيمُ

9. It drags a tail upon the plain gently
As if the breeze in it is sick

٩. جَرَّ ذَيلاً لَهُ عَلى الدَوحِ هَونا
فَكَأنَّ النَسيمَ فيها سَقيمُ

10. Bearing in its nape the scent of musk
So that aromatic fragrance is ours

١٠. حامِلاً في الرُبى لَطيمَةَ مِسكٍ
فَلَنا ذَلِكَ الأَريجُ شَمِيمُ

11. And its birds sang so we heard
Melodies to which the forbearing aspires

١١. وَتَغَنَّت أَطيارُها فَسَمِعنا
نَغَماتٍ يَهفُو إِلَيها الحَليمُ

12. It is wondrous in its construction that
The wise man there was confused in describing it

١٢. إِنَّها في إِنشائِها عَجَبٌ قَد
حارَ في وَصفِها هُناكَ الحَكيمُ

13. Between two seas of nectar and it has
Like a bracelet on a wrist that does not fail

١٣. بَينَ بَحرَي شَهدٍ وَدارا عَلَيها
كَسُوارٍ بِمِعصَمٍ لا يَريمُ

14. It gathered the rarities of land and sea
One gallops leaping and the other swims

١٤. جَمَعَت نادِرَينِ بَرّاً وَبَحراً
ذاكَ يَعدُو قَفزاً وَهَذا يَعومُ

15. With the meadow's breath a fish swims
And at the valley's edge a wild goat bleats

١٥. فَبِنَفحِ الرِياضِ يَسبَحُ نُونٌ
وَبِسَفحِ الغِياضِ يَسنحُ ريمُ