1. Congratulations to Zain al-Din for the joy with which
The sun of brilliance was made manifest over the full moon
١. هَنيئاً لِزَينِ الدينِ بِالفَرَحِ الَّذي
بِهِ جُلِيَت شَمسُ الضّحاءِ عَلى البَدرِ
2. With it the spheres were illuminated until their atmosphere
With the primeval radiance of a full moon on the Night of Power
٢. أَنارَت بِهِ الأَفلاكُ حَتّى أَثيرُها
بِغُرَّةِ بَدرٍ لاحَ في لَيلَةِ القَدرِ
3. And with it intimates rejoiced when toward them came
A roasted meat or a well-cooked cooking pot
٣. وَسُرَّ بِهِ الأَحبابُ إِذ سارَ نَحوَهُم
طَعامٌ مِن المَشويِّ أَو مُنضَجِ القِدرِ
4. And with it sincere sweetness adorned their breasts
The breasts of people among men other than my own breast
٤. وَمِن صادقِ الحَلواءِ زانَت صُدورُها
صدورَ أُناسٍ في الأَنامِ سِوى صَدري
5. And they were singled out with it, apart from me, and I was neglected by them
And that is a trait I recognized in you all, and so knew my worth
٥. وَخُصُّوا بِها دُوني وَأُهمِلتُ مِنهُم
وَذا شيمَةٌ مِنكُم عَرَفتُ بِها قَدري
6. Their letters are original while mine is extra
As if I were a supplementary waw appended to the end of ‘Amr
٦. حُروفُهُم أَصلٌ وَحَرفي زائِدٌ
كَأَنّي وَاوٌ أَلحِقَت مُنتَهى عَمرُو
7. Even though I am that sincere friend who tomorrow will be
Of benefit to manners, innocent of betrayal
٧. عَلى أَنَّني ذاكَ الخَليلُ الَّذي غَدا
مُفيداً لآدابٍ بَريئاً مِن الغَدرِ