
What good are meadows with no spring rain,

ما لليراعة لا ريعت بحادثة

1. What good are meadows with no spring rain,
Hastening growth before the mind is ready.

١. ما لِليَراعَةِ لا رِيعَت بِحادِثَةٍ
استَعجَمَت وَلِحِبري الآنَ قَد جَمُسا

2. What good are rhymes when my muse has ceased,
No verse comes easily from the downcast bard.

٢. وَلِلقَوافي قَفَت مالي فَلا أَدبٌ
يُملى وَلا نَشَبٌ يُريح مُبتَئِسا

3. The page lies fallow though my hand holds the quill,
This charity of mine has faded and lies forgotten.

٣. فَصفحةِ الطِّرسِ مِن دَرّي مُعَطَّلَةٌ
وَرَسمُ جُوديَ إِذ قَلَّلتُ قَد دَرَسا

4. The blossoms of poetry have withered.
Now my thoughts run dry like a wasted wadi.

٤. وَقَد ذَوت زَهَراتُ الشِعر وا أَسَفا
لَمّا غَدا ماءُ فكري غائِراً يَبَسا

5. It's as if I never founded a hall of arts,
Never raced horses in the arena as a youth.

٥. كَأَنَّني لَم أُعَمِّر مُنتَدى أَدبٍ
وَلَم أَجُل لِلصِبا في حَلبَة فَرَسا

6. I've locked the door of my library to all petitioners,
Though I dwell now in Andalusia, that former glory.

٦. سَدَدتُ بابَ القِرا عَن كُلِّ مُلتمِس
إِن كُنتُ أَسكُنُ بَعدَ العامِ أَندَلُسا

7. Full of bile are those whose pots boil over,
Lighting for us a fire to kindle our own passions.

٧. وَرُبَّ ذِي حَنَقٍ تَغلي مَراجِلُهُ
ناراً فَيشعِلُ من فيهِ لَنا قَبَسا

8. Seeing my reputation, though I'm not pretentious,
They try to breach the fortress I still keep defended.

٨. رَأى سُموي وَما أُوتيتُ مِن شَرَفٍ
فَرامَ هَتكَ حِمىً مازالَ مُحتَرَسا

9. A fortress guarded by one of noble soul,
Whether provoked like a cobra or pouncing like a leopard.

٩. حِمىً حماهُ حَمِيُّ الأَنفِ ذو كَرَمٍ
كَالأَسجَمِ اِنهَلَّ أَو كَالضَيغَمِ اِفتَرَسا

10. Well-spoken, if eloquence demands, his words flow
Rapidly, smoothly, perfectly, and with delight.

١٠. مفَوَّهٌ إِن دَعا حُرَّ الكَلام أَتى
بديعُهُ نَحوَهُ مُستَعجِلا سَلِسا

11. Of necklaces, it's the gems that shine brightest.
Of poems, it's the subtlety that glows most splendid.

١١. فَمِن قَلائد يَعلُو الدُرُّ جَوهَرَها
وَمِن فَرائد يَجلُو نورُها الغَلَسا

12. More wondrous than any silver-tongued orator,
Measured beside him, their boasts seem only empty chatter.

١٢. أَعجِب بِهِ مِن خَطيبٍ ماهِرٍ نَدسٍ
إِن قِستَ قَساً بِهِ تَخالُهُ وَدَسا

13. But most strange is my station between the jealous
And the sincere - though silent, their hearts have volumes unspoken.

١٣. بَل العُجابُ مُقامي بَينَ ذي وَحَرٍ
وَحاسِدٍ بِسِوى الأَعراضِ ما نَبَسا

14. Some, when I'm absent, say things to suit themselves,
Yet in my presence they bow their heads, broken and bent.

١٤. قَومٌ إِذا غِبتُ قالوا ما يليقُ بِهم
وَإِن حَضَرتُ تَراهُم خُشَّعا نُكُسا

15. My crime, in their eyes, is my rising fortune
That catches them unawares, like birds snared in the night.

١٥. ذَنبي إِلَيهِم نُفُوذي حينَ تفجَؤُهُم
مُسَغَّباتٌ يُدَلِّهنَ الفَتى النَدُسا

16. But I'm like pure rainwater from the heavens,
Stainless and cool, though some may try to sully my name.

١٦. وَإِنَّني مثلُ ماءِ المُزنِ لا رَنَقٌ
كَذاكَ بردي نَقيٌ ما رَأى دَنَسا

17. No harm if they'd only grant a man his due -
One who has lost sleep, exiled, wandering ceaselessly.

١٧. ما كانَ ضَرَّهُمُ لَو أَنصَفُوا رَجُلاً
ما نامَ وَهناً عَلى هَجرٍ وَلا هَجَسا

18. Don't they know, if I wished, I could shame them all
With revelations, though seen by none but the mute?

١٨. أَما دَرَوا أَنَّني لَو شِئتُ أَفضَحُهُم
بِمُفصِحاتٍ وَإِن أَبصَرتَها خُرُسا

19. Seduce each maiden, dark-eyed and blameless,
Make her surrender to me her promised husband.

١٩. مِن كُلِّ شارِدَةٍ عَذراءَ ناهِدَةٍ
يَكونُ إِهداؤُها لَهُم لَها عُرُسا

20. Tempt every slender-waisted girl from her virtue,
Lead back to me those whose hopes have all faded.

٢٠. وَكُلِّ فاصِمَةٍ للظَهرِ قاصمةٍ
تَرُدُّ مَن كانَ جَذلانا حَليفَ أَسى

21. But my faith has forbidden the unclean to me,
So I shall not speak of the unclean in my verses.

٢١. لَكن نَهانيَ عَنهُم أَنَّهُم نَجَسٌ
وَمقوَلي قَد أَبى أَن يذكُرَ النَجَسا