
With love for a beautiful boy I was tasked,

وصبي جمال كلفت بحبه

1. With love for a beautiful boy I was tasked,
Beauty he was granted, and grace.

١. وَصَبيِّ جَمّالٍ كَلِفتُ بِحُبِّهِ
مَنَح الجمالَ مَلاحَةً وَجَمالا

2. His camel he leads with the reins,
A branch pulling mountains as if they were hills.

٢. يَقتادُ أَبعُرَهُ لَهُ بأزِمَّةٍ
غُصُنٌ يجرر بِالجِبال جِبالا

3. And it obeys him, despite its stubborn nature-
Does beauty soften even the stubborn?

٣. وَيطيعُهُ مَع غِلظةٍ في طَبعِها
أَترى الجَمالَ يُلَطِّف الأَجمالا

4. When he mounted a camel fully packed,
Loaded with burdens upon its saddle.

٤. فَإِذا اِمتَطى جَملا تَسنَّم رَبوةً
قَد حُمِّلَت مِن رِدفِهِ أَثقالا

5. In his cheek burning embers, and in his words,
Burning embers concealed with jokes and talk.

٥. في خَدِّهِ جَمرٌ وَفي لَفظاتِهِ
جَمرٌ يُلَدّ فُكاهَةً وَمَقالا

6. And when he shakes off his dust it's as though
The songs of nightingales stirred and trilled.

٦. وَإِذا يُناغِي تربَهُ فَكَأَنَّما
نَغَمُ البَلابل هَيَّجَت بلبالا

7. Oh, his beauty disheveled, its curls as though
The crescent moon framed his handsome face.

٧. يا حُسنَهُ شَعثاً كَأَن حلقاتُهُ
قِطَعُ الغَمامِ تكنَّفَتهُ هِلالا