
O you who send us leaves continually

يا من يوالي علينا دائما ورقا

1. O you who send us leaves continually
Why not send us through them some money?

١. يا مَن يُوالي عَلَينا دائِماً وَرَقا
هَلا بَعَثتَ لَنا في طَيِّها وَرِقا

2. If poverty has made you unable to send cash
It does not prevent you sending us leaves

٢. إِن كانَ أَعجَزَكُم مِن فَقرِكم وَرِقٌ
فَلَيسَ تعجزُ أَن تُهدي لَنا وَرَقا

3. Whoever serves the splendid king is endowed
With spirit, and finds paths to gifts

٣. مَن كانَ في خدمَةِ المَلك الهُمامِ يَكُن
ذا هِمَّةٍ وَيَجد نَحوَ النَدى طرُقا

4. This is banter, not begging to be fulfilled
With pure affection that was never hoarse

٤. هَذي مَمازَحةٌ لَيسَت مُطالَبَةً
تُقضى بِصَفوِ ودادٍ لَم يَكُن رَنِقا