1. May God preserve the hour that joined me
With my beloved, for we were united like honey,
١. حَفِظَ اللَهُ ساعَةً مَزَجَتني
بِحَبيبي فَنَحنُ مَزجاً كَشُهدِ
2. Yet, may God damn the hour that parted us -
It left within my entrails a mighty fire.
٢. وَلَحا اللَهُ ساعَةً فَرَّقَتنا
وَحَشَت في حَشايَ أَعظَمَ وَقدِ
3. I've become like a candle, burning, turning yellow,
While he is like a myrtle, if embracing roses were allowed.
٣. صِرتُ كَالشَمعِ مُحرِقاً ذا اصفرار
وَهوَ كَالأَريِ لَو يُباحُ لِوردِ