
By the gazelle whose covenant feet defied,

بأبي ظبي لعهد قد نبذ

1. By the gazelle whose covenant feet defied,
My heart was caught and with it fled.

١. بِأَبي ظَبيٌ لعَهد قَد نَبَذ
جَبَذَت عَيناهُ قَلبي فَانجَبَذ

2. All beauty you see of like ilk,
None but my beloved in beauty excels.

٢. كُلُّ ذي حُسنٍ تَرى أَمثالَهُ
غَير مَحبوبي فَهوَ في الحُسنِ فَذ

3. O you rare in beauty, hear my plea
For beauty's alms are for those who implore.

٣. يا غَريبَ الحُسنِ إِنّي سائِلٌ
وَزَكاةُ الحُسنِ تُعطى من شَحَذ

4. Said he, what do you wish? I said, a kiss
That would sew up the heart torn to shreds.

٤. قالَ ما تَبغِي فَقُلتُ قُبلَةً
تَشعَبُ القَلبَ الَّذي صارَ فِلَذ

5. He said take it, let none else
Take from me what you have seized.

٥. قالَ خُذها ثُم لا يَأخُذُها
أَحدٌ منّي وَلا كانَ أَخَذ

6. I sipped from his sweet lips
Lawful that draught and how sweet the taste!

٦. فَرَشفتُ مِن لُماهُ سَلسَلاً
وَحَلالي ذَلِكَ الرَشفُ وَلَذ

7. Then dazed was I, they rushed to revive me,
Thinking some jinn had brought me low.

٧. فَاختَبَطتُ فَأَتوا يَرقُونَني
حَسِبُوا أَن بِي مِن الجِنِّ الأَخَذ

8. He said, stop! In him no madness lies,
My arrow it was that struck its mark.

٨. قال كُفُّوا ما بِهِ مِن جُنَّةٍ
إِنَّما سَهمِيَ فيهِ قَد نَفذ

9. When my glances assailed and laid him low
The shaft reached its destination true.

٩. إِنَّهُ لَمّا رَمَتهُ مُقلَتي
وَصلَ السَهمُ إِلى أَقصى القُذَذ

10. No incantations can cure love's ache
No talismans ward off love's strike.

١٠. لِيسَ داءُ الحُبِّ يشفى بِالرُقى
لا وَلا يَنفَعُ تَعليقُ العوَذ

11. Nay, love's cure is a swift embrace,
A clasp and union of delight.

١١. بل شِفاءُ الحُبِّ وَصلٌ عاجِلٌ
وَاعتِناقٌ وَاجتماعٌ مُستَلَذ