
One day we passed in joy and pleasure

ويوما قطعناه سرورا ولذة

1. One day we passed in joy and pleasure
Exchanging elegant conversation

١. وَيَوماً قَطَعناه سُروراً وَلَذَّةً
نُجاذِبُ أَطرافَ الحَديثِ المُنَمَقِ

2. With faithful friends, free of any disdain
Their virtues unfeigned, their manners refined

٢. ندامى وَفاءٍ لا جَفاءَ لَديهمُ
مَكارِمُهُم خَلقٌ بِغَيرِ تَخَلُقِ

3. They drank the cup of harmony, no conflict in their words or deeds
We gathered around a blessed pond, pure its water

٣. قَد ارتَضعوا كَأسَ الوفاقِ فَلا تَرى
خِلافاً لَدَيهم في فَعالٍ وَمَنطِقِ

4. As gentle as our refined characters, free of pretense
We swam in it, ducks eluded our swimming

٤. صَفَفنا حَوالي بُركَةٍ راق ماؤُها
وَرَقَّ كَأَخلاقٍ لَنا لَم تُرَنَّقِ

5. A fountain lamenting with copious tears
The east wind passions it with yearning

٥. سَبَحنا بِها عَوماً فَغارَت لِسِبحنا
إوَزٌ فَفاتَتنا تَصيحُ وَتَلتَقي

6. Though eyes may be weary of its flowing tears
Its sides are not straitened from its weeping

٦. وَناعورةٌ تَحكي بِطولِ بُكائها
وَرَنَّتِها صَبّا كَثيرَ التَشَوُّقِ

7. It wept and showed us fate smiling when it wept
It wailed and roused the ring-necked doves

٧. لَئِن ضاقَ مِنها الجفنُ مِن عَبَراتها
فَأَضلاعُها عَن دَمعِها لَم تُضَيَّقِ

8. In the gardens' midst we made a cubic pavilion
Like a necklace around a neck or a crown on a head

٨. بَكَت فَأَرَتنا الدَهرَ يَضحكُ إِذ بَكَت
وَناحَت فَأَزرَت بِالحَمامِ المطَوَّقِ

9. The brilliant sun peeks at us slyly
Casting through its windows rays that mimic

٩. وَقَد ضَمَّنا وَسطَ الرِياضِ مُكَعَّبٌ
كَطَوقٍ بِجيدٍ أَو كَتاجٍ بِمِفرَقِ

10. Embroidered silk's engraved patterns
When its rays meet the water, the walls shine so brightly

١٠. تُطالِعنا الشَمسُ المُنيرةُ لَحظَها
مسارقةً مِنها تَطلُّع شَيِّقِ

11. Shadows dance as the water sparkles under the breeze
It sets, and the moon keeps guard over us

١١. وَتُلقي عَلَينا مِن شَبابيكِ نورها
شُعاعاً يحاكي نَقشَ بُردٍ مُنمَّقِ

12. Lest we separate, though perforce pulled west
Soon it will rise again in the east

١٢. إِذا ما التقَى بالماءِ مِنها شُعاعُها
تَأَلَّق بِالحِيطانِ أَيّ تَأَلُّقِ

13. How wondrous, the two lights yearn for us
While whoever we prohibit does not yearn

١٣. فَيَرقُصُ مِنها الظِلُّ في جُدراتها
إِذا الماءُ أَضحى بِالصبا ذا تَرقرُقِ

14. No wonder, forms yearn for their forms
And are devoted to them with strong attachment

١٤. وَغابَت فَباتَ البدرُ يَحرُسُنا لَها
رَقيباً عَلَينا مِن حذارِ التفرُّقِ

15. We have a gathering of faithful friends
As if they had drunk cups of cordiality, sans affectation

١٥. لَئن جُذِبَت قَسراً إِلى نَحو مَغرِبٍ
فَعَمّا قَليلٍ سَوفَ تَبدو بِمشرِقِ

16. Planets whose abode is now in the heavens
Ever rising to loftier nobility

١٦. فَيا عَجَباً للنَيِرينِ تَشوّقا
إِلَينا وَمن نَهواهُ لَم يَتَشَوَّقِ

17. A sanctified, sublime breath wafts our senses
With pure musk's exquisite scent

١٧. وَلا عَجَبٌ وَالشكلُ يَشتاقُ شَكلَهُ
وَيُضحي بِهِ وَجداً شَديدَ التَعلُّقِ

18. However we pass the cups of their discourse
We are intoxicated with something yet more sublime

١٨. لَنا مَجلِسٌ فيهِ نَدامى كَأَنَّما
سُقُوا بِكُؤوسِ الودِّ غَيرِ المُرَنَّقِ

19. A conversation enrapturing minds and forms
Flawless, enthralling listener and onlooker alike

١٩. كَواكبُ أَضحى في الأَثير مَقَرُّها
وَللشرفِ الأَعلى تَسيرُ وَتَرتَقي

20. The nobility of religion embodied all virtues
Say whatever good you will, you speak the truth

٢٠. إِذا نَفحةٌ قُدسِيَّةٌ شَرَفِيَّةٌ
تَهبُّ شَمَمنا عَرفَ مِسكٍ مُفَتَّقِ

21. Molded in a man of excellent traits
Beneficent, true to his word

٢١. وَمَهما تَنازَعنا كُؤوسَ حَديثِها
سَكِرنا بِأَشهى مِن رَحيقٍ مُعَتَّقِ

22. He ties hopes with freely-flowing wealth
And unites our scattered group with his munificence

٢٢. مُحادَثةٌ تَسبِي العُقولَ وَصورة
تَمامٌ فَبُغيا سامِعٍ أَو مُحَدِّقِ

23. Concerned lest he meet a reproachful friend
While he abounds, he is not miserly

٢٣. حَوى شرفُ الدينِ المَكارمَ كُلَّها
فَقُل ما تَشا فيهِ مِن الخَيرِ تَصدُقِ

24. He exceeds frugality with generosity
And overlooks a vulgarian's crudeness

٢٤. لَقَد جُبِلَت مِنهُ السَجايا عَلى فَتىً
أَمَدَّ بِإِحسانٍ وَأَوفى بِموثَقِ

25. His enemies cannot get the better of him
Nor can his detractors make him lose face

٢٥. يُقيِّدُ آمالاً بِمالٍ مُسَرَّحٍ
وَيَجمَعُ خِلّانا بجُودٍ مُفَرَّقِ

26. His lineage points to sanctity, to purification
From everything disreputable and vile

٢٦. وَيُشفِقُ أَن يَلقى صَديقاً مُعاتِباً
وَلَيسَ عَلى جَمعٍ لِمالٍ بِمُشفِقِ

27. His scholarly authority is established for us
By scripture, consensus, and the verified view

٢٧. يَزيدُ عَلى الإِقلالِ مِنهُ سَماحَةً
وَيُغضي حَياءً عَن سَفاهَةِ أَخرقِ

28. A spirit converses with him through sciences
While others take refuge in patched-up speech

٢٨. فَلَيسَ الَّذي يُؤذِي عِداهُ بِمنجَحٍ
لَدَيهِ وَلا باغي جَداهُ بِمخفِقِ

29. All knowledge is inscribed in his mind
Most generously, with a radiant pen

٢٩. وَنِسبتُهُ للقُدسِ أَيَّةُ نِسبَةٍ
تَدُلُّ عَلى التَطهيرِ مِن كُلِّ موبِقِ

30. The various branches matched his intellect's mirror
Each genre embodied and realized

٣٠. إِمامَتُهُ في العلمِ ثابِتَةٌ لَنا
بنصٍّ وَإِجماعٍ ورَأيِ المُدَقِّقِ

31. His intuition exhausted others' perception
His reflection surpassed every solver

٣١. تُناجيهِ نَفسٌ بِالعلومِ وَغَيرُهُ
يَلوذُ بِتَجميعِ الكَلامِ المُلَفَّقِ

32. He has an eloquence that illuminates meaning
Like a bright star in the dark night sky

٣٢. وَقَد نُقِشَت كُلُّ العُلومِ بِصَدرِهِ
فَأكرِم بِحبرٍ نَيِّرِ النَفسِ مُشرِقِ

33. Poetry like flowers in a well-kept garden
Prose like tumbling cascade or palm of a cloud

٣٣. وَقابَل مِنها الجنسُ مرآةُ عَقلهِ
فَمثل فيها كُلَّ نَوعٍ مُحقَّقِ

34. A mind as if fire sprang from it
Were it not for his composure, one who came near would burn

٣٤. بَديهَتُهُ أَعيَت رَوِيَّةَ غَيرِهِ
وَفكرَتُهُ قَد أَعجَزَت كُلَّ مُفلقِ

35. Generosity as if clouds learned from him
Without his brilliance, the giver would drown

٣٥. بَنانٌ بِهِ يَبدو البَيانُ مُوشَّعا
بِمُظلِم نَقشٍ وَسطَ نَيرٍ مُهَرَّقِ

36. Steadfast as a mountain, open-handed as the sea
Problems disappear through him, no longer problems

٣٦. بِنظمٍ كَزُهرٍ في المَجرة سُبَّحٍ
وَنَثرٍ كَزَهرٍ غبَّ أَو كَف مُغدِقِ

37. Obscurities become clear, no longer obscure
His eloquence silences blusterers mired in a quandary

٣٧. وَذِهنٍ كَأَنَّ النارَ مِنهُ تَوَقَّدَت
فَلَولا نَداهُ كانَ من يَدنُ يُحرَقِ

38. He facilitates what was difficult, and his manners
Always delight us, however sullen

٣٨. وَجُودٍ كَأنَّ السُحبَ مِنهُ تَعَلَّمَت
فَلولا ذكاء كانَ مَن يُعطَ يَغرَقِ

39. When Muhammad's verses are recited to people
Every listening ear inclines to hear, rapt

٣٩. رَسا فَكَأنَّ الطَودَ يَحكي ثَباتَهُ
همى فَكَأنَّ الجودَ بِالبَحرِ مُلتَقِ

40. He composes marvels of ornate verse
Vanquishing the compositions of every fabricator

٤٠. إِذا عَصَتِ الناس القَوافي فَإِنها
تُطاوِعُهُ فيما يَشاءُ فَينتَقي

41. Ibn Musa's Ali was a helper made triumphant
Who brought gleams of song like pure gems

٤١. وَإِن راجَعَ الناسُ الدَفاتِرَ لَم يَكُن
يُراجعُ إِلا فِكرهُ ذا التَدفُقِ

42. And created unprecedented compositions for both worlds
Joining creativity with elegance

٤٢. وَإِن أَصلَدُوا يَوماً زِناداً فَإِنَّهُ
لَيُوري بِها نارَ الذَكاءِ المُحَرِّقِ

43. There was something missing, so the son of Musa
Came to complete it with coherent speech

٤٣. فَلا مُشكلٌ إِلا بَدا غَيرَ مُشكِلٍ
وَلا مُغلَقٌ إِلا غَدا غَيرَ مُغلَقِ

44. His poetry resembles Jarir's, as though he
Had contended with Farazdaq's prosody

٤٤. فَصيحُ مَقالٍ حينَ يَخرَسُ قسُّهُم
فَسيحُ مَجالٍ إِن يَحِلُّوا بِمأزِقِ

45. If you do not recognize him, he is undoubtedly its peer
Who suffered for Layla's love like the one who suffered

٤٥. يَسهِّل ما قَد كانَ حَزنا وَطالَما
أَجَدَّت لَنا آدابُهُ كُلَّ مُخلَقِ

46. They created for her in the mind the most perfect
Of images, refined meaning and eloquent wording

٤٦. إِذا تُلِيَت في الناسِ آيُّ محمدٍ
تَرى كُلَّ ذي سَمعٍ مَتى يُصغِ يُطرِقِ

47. But were stingy lest an unworthy lad attain her
And show generosity he does not possess

٤٧. وَيَأتي مِن النَظمِ البَديعِ بِمُعجزٍ
يَطيحُ لَدَيهِ نَظم كُلِّ مُخرِّقِ

48. How they lost sleep and pined for her
Whoever loves Layla remains sleepless and restless

٤٨. وَكانَ ابنُ مُوسانا عليٌّ مُؤيداً
أَتى بشذورٍ لحنَ كَالجَوهَرِ النَقي

49. They did not profess it, but both were made
To drink from a draft of love at night, pure wine

٤٩. وَأَبدَعَها في العالمينَ فَرائِداً
جَمَعنَ إِلى الإِبداعِ حُسنَ التَأنُّقِ

50. To part from her is time, and her light appeared
From Andalusia to the holy city, rising high

٥٠. وَكانَ بِها نَقصٌ فَجاءَ مُكمِّلا
لِذاكَ ابنُ موسى بِالكَلامِ المطَبَّقِ

51. The secret reality Layla symbolized attained happiness and misery
How many a perplexed one it frustrated, though he never reached her

٥١. تَشابَه نَظماً إِذ حَكاه كَأَنَّهُ
جَريرٌ وَقَد بارى نِظامَ الفَرَزدَقِ

52. How many a misguided one it exposed, though he glittered
He saw a moon become a sun, and it deceived him

٥٢. فَإِن لا يُكنهُ فَهوَ لا شَكَّ صِنوُهُ
لقي في هَوى لَيلى كمثلِ الَّذي لَقي

53. The change of hue in her pure radiance and grace
That was but the blush of shyness

٥٣. أَقاما لَها في الذهنِ أَبدَعَ صورَةٍ
لَطيفةِ مَعنىً رائِقِ اللَفظِ مونقِ

54. Vanishing in intimacy and approach
I am not like Layla, nor my son, nor his son

٥٤. وَقَد حَجباها ضِنَّةً أَن يَنالَها
فَتى غَيرُ أَهلٍ للندى وَالتَصدقِ

55. The peer of Ali or the upright Muhammad
Ali resembles Muhammad in character

٥٥. وَكَم أَرِقا فيها التِذاذاً وَأَرَّقا
وَمَن يَعشَقَن لَيلى يُؤرِّق وَيأرقِ

56. Doubtless he was given the bounty he was given
Truly, Ali is to pleased Muhammad

٥٦. وَما اِدَّعيا فيها وَلَكن كِلاهُما
سُقي مِن هَوىً لَيلاً بِراحٍ مُوَرّقِ

57. As Aaron to Moses in speaking truth
How many white hands have come to us through him

٥٧. فراقَ لَها وَقتٌ وَقَد لاحَ نورُها
مِن أَندلسٍ لِلقُدسِ تَسري وَتَرتقي

58. And the son of Musa enriched each empty pretender
O palm tree of virtue, your origin is pure

٥٨. لَقَد بطَنَ الأَمرُ الَّذي هُوَ ظاهر
لِليلى فَأَصبت ذا السَعادةِ وَالشَقِي

59. Your shade-giving branches extend to us
Munificence from you has reached many people, and singled me out

٥٩. فَكَم مُعسِرٍ قَد آيَسَتهُ وَلَم يَصِل
وَكَم مذهَب قَد فَلَّسَته وَمُورِقِ

60. The unworthy think they are your peers
Because they have mimicked you, but the sincere are wrong

٦٠. رَأى قَمراً قَد صارَ شَمساً فَغَرَّهُ
تنقُّلُ لَونٍ في صَفاءٍ وَرونقِ

61. Is a bare desert pebble likened
To a sea swarming with knowledge, reposing treasures?

٦١. وَما ذاكَ إِلا حُمرةُ الخجلِ الَّتي
تَزولُ عَلى قُربٍ بسَيرٍ وَمَيلَقِ

62. That is an ignorant man boasting of knowledge
And one of noble lineage clinging to the virtuous

٦٢. وَما أَنا في لَيلى وَلا ابني وَلا ابنُهُ
نَظيرَ عليٍّ أَو محمدٍ التَقِي

63. Who sees stinginess as praise, and ostentation as rank
So treat him with more generosity, tolerant one

٦٣. عليٌّ لَهُ شِبهٌ بِخُلق محمدٍ
أَخُوه بِلا شَكٍّ سُقي فَضلَ ما سُقِي

64. Have they not observed your humility and nobility?
Like clouds pouring forth, lightning flashing

٦٤. وَإِنَّ عَليّاً مِن محمدٍ الرَضِي
كَهارونَ مِن مُوسى حَديث المنطقِ

65. They repel gentleness like the blue of doves
While circling over it, but the rosy is not like the circler

٦٥. وَكَم مِن يَدٍ بَيضاءَ جاءَ لَنا بِها
فَأَغنى ابنُ موسى كُلَّ أَغبرَ مُملِقِ

66. So take praise of Muhammad from a helper
And leave the saying of blind A'sha, circler of ashes

٦٦. أَيا دَوحَةَ الفَضلِ الَّتي طابَ أَصلُها
وَمَدَّت عَلَينا ظِلَّ فَينان مُورِقِ

67. I refused my companions by praising you
And refused praise of every exhausted one for them

٦٧. لَقَد عَمَّ مِنكَ الجودُّ ناساً وَخَصَّني
فَها أَنا عَن تَقييدِهِ غَيرُ مُطلَقِ

68. Meanings and lofty words came to me suddenly
Seething in my breast, surge after surge

٦٨. يَظُنُّ الأُلى قَد عاصَروكَ بِأَنهم
حَكَوك لَقَد خابَت ظُنون المُصدِّقِ

69. So I thought: who am I, a composer?
I conversed with them, chose and picked out

٦٩. وَما ثمدٌ بادي الحَصاةِ بِمُشبِهٍ
لِبَحرٍ زَخورٍ بِالمَعارفِ مُتأَقِ

70. I shun rough, densely packed speech
And avoid refined, gently flowing speech

٧٠. فَذاكَ دَعِيٌ في المَعارفِ جاهِلٌ
وَذو نَسَبٍ بَينَ الأَفاضِلِ مُلصَقِ

71. When one line passes, its peer follows swiftly
Even if I do not let another catch up

٧١. يَرى البُخلَ مَدحاً وَالتَرافُعَ رِفعَةً
فَأَحسِن بِهِ مِن أَشدَقٍ مُتَفَيهِقِ

72. Thought is not jaded, nor poetry obscure
But like the sea, when it rages, it calms

٧٢. أَما لاحَظُوا مِنكَ التَواضُعَ شيمَةً
وَسُحبَ النَدى كَالعارِضِ المُتأَلِّقِ

73. It's as if the rhymes knew who has
The gift of composing, so they came forth, the gifted raced

٧٣. وَردت النَدى زُرقَ الحمامِ وَحلَّقوا
عَلَيهِ وَما ذو الوَردِ مثلَ المُحَلِّقِ

74. Gleaming pearls appeared for us out of their separation
For the threaded pearls adorn poetry after dispersal

٧٤. فَخُذ مِن نَصيرٍ مدحَةً في محمَّدٍ
وَدَع قَولَ أَعشى في جِفانِ المُحَلّقِ

75. I found poetry's harmony until it was as if
I drew from the sea of your knowledge, water of generosity

٧٥. أَنفتُ عَلى صَحبي بِمَدحِي لَكم وَقَد
أَنِفتُ لَهُم عَن مَدحِ كُلِّ مُرهقِ

76. This eloquence flows only because it contains
Praise of the generous man of eloquence

٧٦. أَتَتني المَعاني العُقمُ وَالكَلِمُ العُلى
وَجاشَت بِصَدري فَيلَقاً بَعدَ فَيلَقِ

77. I offer you this poetry like one who comes
With a bouquet to one with abundant water, about to drown

٧٧. فَفَكَّرتُ وَهناً أَيُّها أَنا ناظِمٌ
وَسامرتُها أَختارُ مِنها وَأَنتَقِي

78. By my spirit, your holy spirit came to breathe
And my spirit rose to you through the spirit

٧٨. أجانِبُ وَحشِيّاً كَثيفاً سَماعُهُ
وَأَجنُبُ إِنسِيّاً لَطيفَ التَرَفُقِ

79. May God make an era where no virtuous one
Attains any good but some paltry subsistence

٧٩. إِذا ما مَضى بَيتٌ تَلاهُ نَظيرُهُ
سَريعاً وَإِن لَم أَدعُ آخرَ يَلحَقِ

80. An age where the lowly rise like the lofty
Sink - the people of realization and conviction

٨٠. فَلا الفِكرُ مَكدودٌ وَلا الشعرُ غامِضٌ
وَلَكنَّهُ كَالبَحرِ إِن يطمُ يَفهَقِ

81. Authority's hand is ever fond of you
And you alone wear the robe of every helper

٨١. كَأنَّ القَوافِي قَد عَلِمنَ بِمَن لَهُ
يُنَظّمنَ فَانثالَت وَمَن يَقوَ يَسبُقِ

82. Is one like you stripped of his sublime virtues?
Rightfully, whoever lacks equivalence precedes

٨٢. بَرَزنَ لَنا دُرّاً نثيراً وَإِنَّما
يَزينُ اللآلي النظم بَعدَ التَفَرُّقِ

83. Truly, were you his confidante
It would be masterfully crafted and profound

٨٣. أَجَدتُ نِظامَ الشعرِ حَتّى كَأَنَّني
لِجودَتِهِ مِن بَحرِ عِلمِكَ أستَقِي

84. The most eloquent scholar would have expressed its meaning
Concisely or in elaborate prose

٨٤. وَما جادَ هَذا النُطقُ إِلا لأَنَّهُ
تَضمَّنَ أَوصافَ الجَوادِ المنطقِ

85. You refrained from pursuing that out of precedence
Blessed, while others were miserable

٨٥. وَإِني وَإهدائي لَكَ النظمَ كَالَّذي
يَجيءُ برَشحٍ نَحوَ ذا ماء مُغرِقِ

86. Glory lies only in being free of baseness
Humility only in parity with the crudest

٨٦. برَوعي أَضحى روحُ قُدسِكَ نافِثا
وَبِالروح مني نَحوَ عَلياكَ قَد رقِي

87. The two lights yearned for us, but whoever we prohibited did not yearn
No wonder forms yearn for their forms

٨٧. لَحا اللَهُ دَهراً لَم يَنَل فيهِ فاضِلٌ
مِن الخَيرِ إِلا فَضلَ عَيشٍ مُرَمَّقِ

88. And are devoted to them with strong attachment
We have a gathering of faithful friends

٨٨. زَمانٌ بِهِ يَطفُو الأَسافلُ مثلَما
بِهِ يرسُبُ الأَعلَونَ أَهلُ التَحقُّقِ

89. As if they had drunk cordial cups, free of airs
Planets whose abode is now in the highest heavens

٨٩. وَمازالَ دستُ المُلكِ نَحوَكَ شَيِّقا
وَتُكسى مساوي كُلِّ أَنوَكِ مُطبِقِ

90. Ever rising to the loftiest eminence
A sanctified, sublime breath wafts our senses

٩٠. أَمثلُكَ تَعرى مِن مَحاسنِهِ العُلى
وَحقٌّ لَهُ مَن يَعدَمِ الكفو يسبِقِ

91. With pure musk's exquisite fragrance
However we pass the cups of their discourse

٩١. أَما إِنَّهُ لَو كُنتَ كاتبَ سرِّهِ
لأَصبَحَ ذا وشيٍ بَديعٍ مُحَقَّقِ

92. We are intoxicated with something yet more sublime
A conversation enrapturing minds and forms

٩٢. وَعبَّرَ عَن فَحواه أَفصحُ عالمٍ
بِموجَزِ لَفظٍ أَو بِمُسهَبِ مَنطِقِ

93. Flawless, enthralling listener and onlooker alike

٩٣. تَأَخرتَ عَن تَطلابِ ذاكَ تَقدُّما
سَعدتَ بِهِ إِذ كانَ غَيرُكَ قَد شَقِي

٩٤. وَما العِزُّ إِلا في الفَراغِ عَن الدُنى
وَما الذُلُّ إِلا في التَساوي بِأَخرقِ