
O master who has attained praiseworthy traits

يا سيدا قد حاز حسنيين

1. O master who has attained praiseworthy traits
Knowledge and religion without any hardship

١. يا سَيِّداً قَد حازَ حُسنَيَينِ
العلمَ وَالدينَ بِغَيرِ مَينِ

2. The time of the two Jamadis has passed
Yet the expected has not come from far away

٢. قَد اِنقَضى وَقتُ جُمادَيَينِ
وَما أَتى المَعلومُ مِن لُجينِ

3. Please bring together what is between us
For nothing delights the eye but the eye itself

٣. أَلا اجمَعَن ما بَينَهُ وَبَيني
فَما يَسُرُّ العينَ غَيرُ العَينِ

4. Through it will pass the fulfillment of my hopes and faith

٤. بِهِ اِنقِضاءُ مَأرِبي وَدَيني