1. I was nurtured with grammar when its breast flowed for me,
So my body grows by it, and my soul lives by it.
١. غُذِيتُ بعلم النَحو إِذ دَرَّ لي ثَديا
فَجسمي بِهِ ينمى وَروحي بِهِ تَحيا
2. Long have I parsed for Zayd and his companion,
Though they committed no sin, nor followed any misguidance.
٢. وَقَد طالَ تَضرابي لزيدٍ وَعَمرِهِ
وَما اِقتَرفا ذَنباً وَلا تَبعا غَيّا
3. I gained naught from analyzing them except notoriety
In a skill which brings no benefit by making me renowned.
٣. وَما نِلتُ مِن ضَربيهما غَيرَ شُهرةٍ
بِفَنٍ وَما يُجدي اِشتهاري بِهِ شَيّا
4. Alas! The people of grammar are now extinct,
So you see no one alive among them afterwards.
٤. أَلا إِنَّ علمَ النَحو قَد بادَ أَهلُهُ
فَما أَن تَرى في الحَي مِن بَعدهم حَيّا
5. I will forsake it, like a deer forsaking its shade,
And I will abandon it, distancing myself from it.
٥. سَأتركه تَركَ الغَزالِ لظله
وَأُتبِعُه هَجراً وَأُوسِعُه نَأيا
6. I will ascend to the blessed jurisprudence, for it
Will please you in the hereafter and grant you well-being in this life.
٦. وَأَسمو إِلى الفِقه المُبارَكِ إِنَّهُ
ليُرضيكَ في الأُخرى وَيُحظيك في الدُنيا
7. What is jurisprudence but the foundation of Muhammad's faith?
So dedicate strong resolve to it, and renew your effort for it!
٧. وَما الفِقهُ إِلا أَصلُ دينِ محمدٍ
فَجَرِّد لَهُ عَزماً وَجَدِّد لَهُ سَعيا
8. Be a follower of al-Shāfiʿī, adhering
To his way, so you may attain the farthest goal.
٨. وَكُن تابِعاً للشافعيّ وَسالِكاً
طَريقتَه تبلُغ بِه الغايةَ القُصيا
9. Behold! The guidance is now clear, O Ibn Idrīs,
And how much ambiguity it has elucidated, and how many students it has revived!
٩. أَلا يا ابن إدريس قَد اتضحَ الهُدى
وَكَم غامضٍ أَبدى وَكَم دارسٍ أَحيا
10. Name the Chosen Prophet and his cousin,
For indeed they have attained the highest rank of glory.
١٠. سمي الرَسول المُصطفى وابن عَمه
فَناهيك مَجداً قَد سَما الرتبة العليا
11. It is he who extracted the principles, and thereby obtained
The intricacies of jurisprudence from the brocade of his composition.
١١. هُوَ استنبط الأصول فاكتسى بِهِ ال
فقهَ مِن ديباجِ إِنشائِه وَشيا