
Had it not been for three things I wish for

أما أنه لولا ثلاث أحبها

1. Had it not been for three things I wish for
I would not count myself among the living:

١. أَما أَنَّهُ لَولا ثَلاثٌ أُحِبُّها
تَمَنَّيتُ أَني لا أُعَدُّ مِن الأَحيا

2. My hope to attain sincere repentance
That absolves my sins and makes my efforts fruitful,

٢. فَمِنها رَجائي أَن أَفوزَ بِتَوبَةٍ
تُكَفِّرُ لي ذَنباً وَتُنجِحُ لي سَعيا

3. To protect myself from every lowly ignoramus
So I walk not to his door a single step,

٣. وَمِنهُنَّ صَوني النَفسَ عَن كُلِّ جاهِل
لَئيم فَلا أَمشِي إِلى بابِهِ مَشيا

4. To adhere to the Prophet's way though people forget it
And follow their opinions instead of his guidance.

٤. وَمِنهُنَّ أَخذي بِالحَديثِ إِذا الوَرى
نَسُوا سُنَّةَ المُختارِ وَاتَّبعوا الرَأيا

5. Would you forsake the Prophet's way and follow
A person who has replaced guidance with error?

٥. أَتَترك نَصّاً لِلرَسولِ وَتَقتدي
بِشَخصٍ لَقَد بَدَّلتَ بِالرَشدِ الغِيّا