
O Master, whose generosity is

يا أيها المولى الذي جوده

1. O Master, whose generosity is
Like the ocean in its abundant flow

١. يا أَيُّها المَولى الَّذي جُودُهُ
كَالبَحرِ في تَيارِهِ الزاخِرِ

2. And whose face radiates a brilliance
From the beginning to the end.

٢. وَمِن ضِياءٍ وَجهُهُ مُشرِقٌ
مِن بَدأةِ الأَمرِ إِلى الآخِرِ

3. My affection is reserved for you always
There is none but you for whom I care

٣. دَخِرت وُدّي لَكُمُ دائِماً
ما لِسواكُم أَنا بِالداخِرِ

4. And I take pride in my allegiance to you
Honored to be your devoted servant.

٤. وَقَد فَخَرتُ بِانتِمائي لَكُم
أَعزِز بِعَبدٍ بِكُمُ فاخِرِ

5. Were it not for the dew of your kindness upon the earth
I would be like lifeless, crumbling bones.

٥. لَولا نَدى إِحسانِكم في الوَرى
كُنتُ كَعَظمٍ هامِدٍ ناخِرِ

6. For your generosity is an ocean brimming over
Flowing with ships bearing gifts.

٦. وَإِنَّ بَحرَ جُودكُم مُفعَمٌ
يَجري بِفُلكٍ لِلنَدى ماخِرِ

7. And he who turns away from your door of kindness
Lives like a wretched, losing slave.

٧. وَمَن يَحِد عَن بابِ إِحسانِكُم
يَعِش كَعَبدٍ خاسِرٍ داخِرِ

8. How many who laugh or mock his actions
Laugh while he is mocked by fate.

٨. يَضحَك أَو يَهزَأُ مِن فِعلِهِ
كَم ضاحِكٍ مِنهُ بِهِ ساخِرِ